Se dice que si vas por la noche cerca de un lago, podras ver flotando una perlas anormalmente grandes, si te acercas demasiado de repente aparecen algo como una mandibula que te sumergen, luego surgira una nueva perla

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Gata sexo, wtf gata sexo // jared boceto q tenia nariz rara re cursed // minita x con mandibula chueca :,y

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For the unfamiliar: ceratopsid reconstructions often misplace the earholes into the laterotemporal fenestra. The correct position is the space between the quadrate and the depressor mandibulae. This diagram by is a good reference. Photo by me.

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[ 🏡 | !! <3 ]
muchas gracias por el directo de hoy! fue muy variadito y me la pase excelente. tambien fue full risas, a un punto que me dolio la mandibula de tanto reir kekw.
gracias por estar con nosotros.
tqm, ten una linda noche y descansa <3
pd: tetonersgod

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lo dibuje con una cara de que quiere que le tiren ajo y agua bendita xDDDD
¿se puede simpear a un oc?
miren que lindo mi felix todo mamon todo depresivo mi bb que lindo eres con tus bracketsitos porque volverte vampiro te cago la mandibula.

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"Biomechanical performance of the cranio-mandibular complex of the small notosuchian Araripesuchus gomesii (Notosuchia, Uruguaysuchidae)" new paper by M.N. Nieto et al. in The Anatomical Record ()

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passei o desenho e arrumei a mandibulakkkk
tentei fazer o bagui de line grossa e fina,gostei ate, maa dps q pintou nn ficou aparecendo mt, mas ainda ass ficou bomkkkk

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Notice however that Au. sediba is not sampled in the EDJ morphology paper. All of the Swartkrans assignments to "Homo" predate the discovery of Au. sediba, and we have to re-evaluate these attributions in light of Au. sediba's Homo-like dental and mandibular morphology.

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But another fossil that associates a mandible and cranial material is OH 13, and that also shows a number of dental and mandibular similarities with KNM-ER 992, as Bernard Wood has repeatedly emphasized. In those ways, OH 13 is actually different from OH 7, the habilis holotype.

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illustration of Shingeki no kyojin the final season Falco Grice the new wielder of the titan jaw Griffin

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The jaw had agenesis of the third molars. Another jaw with this condition from Xiahe, China, appears to represent the Denisovan population. Whether we can identify mandibular traits that denote this population is not yet clear.

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o q vcs acharam do design deles?

o a esquerda consegue mudar a caveira e ele conseguiu deixar ela dentro da cabeça e criou uma mandibula
e ele flutua

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justamente estaba re viciado con snk y cuando hiciste el video no lo pense 2 veces para hacer esto xd.
su titan es el mandibula y tiene una armadura clara de hueso con terminaciones en punta para arremeter contra los enemigos

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I had a million tests and they said I had a tumor in my submandibular gland and a date was set for surgery. A million terrible thoughts hit me, what if it was malignant... it was.

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More and more, we rely on molecular data from DNA and protein to understand ancient populations. Fahu Chen and coworkers identified Denisovan-like protein sequence in the dentin of this mandibular fragment from Xiahe, China.

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Nuestra dragona (Llamada la perdición del desierto) ha sido seccionada. De momento he hecho un recorte sencillo, aunque seguramente recortare la mandibula y la pierna izquierda para que puedan ser animados también.

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