There's something with this series that makes me speedrun it while still being able to follow what is happening. It has a flow that makes it easy to read.

This volume was nice, and contained a bit more intrigue than the series usually do, while still being cozy. 4/5

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I'm interested in how important Neruneh will be in this volume, considering she's on the cover.

I look forward to seeing what Keima and the others will be up to this time.

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Another series I start in the middle of when it comes to these reviews. It's been a while since I read volume 11, so it'll take some time to get refreshed about what exactly has happened this far.

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That said, definitely a step up from volume 1. Characters got developed, I even got really invested towards the end.

Only complaint is that I feel like mapping isn't that important to the story, which is odd considering the title..


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And I immediately jump into volume 2 of the series, seeing how Note will handle the overbearing paladin.

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It was okay, had a few comedic moments that made me smile. I had a slight bad feeling that the author had bad experiences with e-girls and simps, but I'll have to see if volume 2 is the same before making that judgement.


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So I'm about to start this now! I honestly don't know what to expect of it, but it seems fun. Well, that's why I bought it in the first place lol.

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