I don’t usually do this but I will only do this once

1 4

A comic of mine that makes sense but it doesn't? XD (feat. Sucky transitioning ✨) 💕

I didnt place a watermark here aswelll xD T-T ain't sure if its good or nah

0 5

“Back then I thought this was a really huge house”

‘Moving On’ by BTS

28 106

Be in no doubt, to Boris Johnson, Dominic Cummings is more important than Coronavirus containment and public health.

78 125

Brits aren't prepared to follow Guidance anymore If the rules don't apply to everyone.

People will die cos Boris Johnson refused to sack Dominic Cummings.

8 8

So we're from and still think How will the morons in charge respond? ...

344 592

Right you 'orrible lot! After the general shithousery of this week have a lovely weekend - stay safe & DRINK SENSIBLY!
(I'm still but we're all better than people like that! x)

2 12

I spent like an hour packing up most of my clothes but I left out enough outfits for the rest of my move I will be in between my packing filming a last lookbook in North Carolina video Im not sure what I’m gonna call it yet but this is my big send off

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🎵 I've never been so torn up in all of my life,
I should have seen this coming,
I've never felt so hopeless,
Than I do tonight,
I don't wanna do this anymore, I'm moving on 🎵

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