Following my Guts again to do some unplanned artwork 😁
Minsan talaga mga di pinaplanong artwork mas maganda haha!
What should I name him? Any suggestions

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Homage! One of my all time favorite actors! I call this one Samuelrai L. Jackson

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Time's almost up! Make sure to pledge for Millennium Blades: Collusion, before it's too late:

closes this week!

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Who wants to go back to the days when parents + the media compared school results instead of ? 😅 From hero to zero - the media now shaming, telling tchrs how to play the parenting role better. When it all gets too much, remember this tweeps 👇🏻#aussieED

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Pirahna Plant, it's the middle of fuckin' July, stop being cute.

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Do you tend to get waylaid in napland? Are you prone to linger on daydream beach? Then this wonderfully accurate map of is for you!😊Created by for

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My sketch for this morning! Mraahahahaaa!! My "motivational picker-upper to start my main pic PIC"
This fucking plant has lips like you cannot believe!!!!!

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Stream art from today C:

this was a greeeat stream, thank you all for coming

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