# circle circles circleart watercolour inktense negativepainting gelplate gelliplate gelpress gelatinplate monoprint print flower flowers floral petals art artontwitter dailyart dailypainting spring springflowers acrylics inks acrylicpainting acrylicpaint plaid plaidcrafts springiscoming springwreath wreath bow bows easterwreath berries lemon citrus leaves foliage makelemonaid iceandaslice impressionist vase hydrangea hydrangeas acrylic letspaintchallenge andybjones folkartpaint rose roses paintingpractice landscape landscapepainting watercolourpainting scarecrow pagan pagangoddess wheat wheatweaving straw strawweaving dandelion children pen rabbit gelprint gelliprint gelpressprint nature environnement gelprintbackground gelliprintbackgrouns whatcanyousee pumpkin face womansface bird birdstem screenprint screenprints screenprinting screenprinted peacock peacocks feathers feather folkart whimsical whimsicalsanta santa christmasinjuly fatherchristmas folkartchristmas birds whimsicalbirds birdhouse christmas onestroke onestrokepainting decorativepainting cadence onestrokeflowers onestrokeroses onestrokeleaves butterflies onestrokebutterflies abstractroses abstract loosepainting loosestrokes acrylicroses onestrokepractice decorativeart oilpastels lion altetedimage gelplates gelplateprinting monoprinting candles candle hope happynewyear gelprints christmas2021 christmasathome christmascandle christmasdecoration christmaslight pinebranch christmasiscoming christmasdeer poinsettia stencils

Gel plate ‘reject’print with blurred stencil outline image overdrawn in pen .#gelplate

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can’t yet perfect the one stroke but really enjoyed this 🌞#roses

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