Jour 8 du ! L’ophrys abeille est une plante fourbe... en leurrant des abeilles mâles pour qu’elles copulent avec l’un de ses pétales, déguisé en femelle, elles assurent leur propre pollinisation ! Malin, non ?

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Art for Pseudeuophrys Erratica from VK~

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In April of 2019, I saw this Jumper - maybe Pseudeuophrys erratica?. - walking across this glass table, appearing to look at its own reflection… the dirty table looks like starry space!
The pic with the webbing out the backside looks like its going "NYOOOM!" through the cosmos!

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Art for Pseudeuophrys Erratica from VK~

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Finished just as the game finished downloading ^^
Fodlansonas of my Awakening MUs!
Rhea's aids: Yarrow and Ophrys

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We've been seeking out all things orchidaceous for this week's Caroline Maria Applebee's delicate 19th century illustration shows 2 native UK orchid species - Ophrys insectifera (fly orchid) & Ophrys apifera (bee orchid).

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Ceratophrys rice omelette


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AvO Sketches - Ophrys and Astra

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Another character design based on an orchid

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Character design based on an orchid (Ophrys lutea)

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