One is a photo by of phytoplankton taken from space. The other three are pieces from ! Guess which is which! 😉😉😉😉
Have you tried this out yet? Upcoming class this Thursday at !

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Phytoplankton and blue-green algae blooms in the Gulf of Finland

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🎨🌎Earth provides a piece of art as seen from space in the form of phytoplankton blooms off the Alaskan coast:

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플랑크톤과 그의 친척들은 단세포 생물에 속하는 동물성 플랑크톤(Zooplankton) 입니다. 동물성 플랑크톤은 이분법 또는 다분법(자가분열)으로 번식하기 때문에 생식기관이 없습니다. 즉 무성이죠. 식물성 플랑크톤(Phytoplankton) 과 달리 뇌가 존재합니다.

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The Whale Pump: whales feed at depth but excrete near the surface, bringing nutrients up to phytoplankton depths

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Inside "Momento Mori" art installation. PCC Sylvania. Phytoplankton produces as much oxygen at our forests.

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Wow. The oceans are so breathtaking! Phytoplankton bloom in the Atlantic Ocean!

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Phytoplanktons, diatoms, different types of algae all look beautiful under the microscope

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