These r all so good. (Specifically piranesi I think u would enjoy the most !!)

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Etched landscapes and buildings by Italian Classical archaeologist/artist Giovanni Battista Piranesi

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🇮🇹 Uno veloce ispirato dai bellissimi disegni a penna e inchiostro marrone di ✒️

🇬🇧 A quick inspired by the amazing pen and brown ink drawings by ✒️

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Reseña de 'Piranesi', de Susanna Clarke. "Con Clarke olvidaos de intrincados sistemas de magia, respuestas complejas o grandilocuentes explicaciones científicas. La magia es magia, y nada más". En el blog de

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[08.10] 12h al , obertura de l'expo 'Piranesi. III centenari (1720-2020)', amb una selecció de la col·lecció d'estampes que l'Acadèmia de Sant Carles va adquirir en el s.XVIII, que inclouen totes les etapes creatives de l'artista.

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Sitio Arqueológico de Paestum, fundada por los Griegos alrededor del siglo VII. a.C. con el nombre de Poseidonia en Carpaccio

Grabados de Giovanni Battista Piranesi de 1778 y unas fotografías mías de enero 2020.


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Huge congratulations to Susanna Clarke for winning the
for her novel
You can reserve a copy to collect from your local library here -

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Women’s prize for goes to ‘mind-bending’ Clarke’s follow-up to Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell was praised by judges as ‘a truly original, unexpected flight of fancy’ 📚

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Giovanni Battista Piranesi, View of the Mausoleum of Hadrian (Castel S. Angelo), 1754

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Giovanni Battista Piranesi, View of the Remains of the Two Rows of Columns in the Temple of Neptune which [originally] formed the colonnades along the sides of the cella, and supported the uppermost part of the roof, from Different views of Paestum, 1778

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Currently obsessed with Giovanni Piranesi's 18th c. "Imaginary Prisons" prints

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"That night I couldn’t sleep. Toward sunrise I dreamed of an engraving in the style of Piranesi, one I’d never seen before or perhaps seen and forgotten—an engraving of a kind of labyrinth" (Jorge Luis Borges)

Piranesi's kafkaesque carceri d'invenzione for

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Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Interior view of the Basilica of St. John Lateran, from Views of Rome, 1768

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Joseph Gandy—visionary architect, the "English Piranesi", hopeless romantic!

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Early on in his life, JMW Turner would recreate the Dark Prisons of Piranesi in his own distinct watercolour style. Later, he'd re-imagine the spaces altogether, using them as the basis for lecture diagrams illustrating light and shadow to his students.

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Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Pedestal of the column of Antoninus Pius, 18th century

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