(8/10) Piranesi. «El puente levadizo».

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[08.10] 12h al , obertura de l'expo 'Piranesi. III centenari (1720-2020)', amb una selecció de la col·lecció d'estampes que l'Acadèmia de Sant Carles va adquirir en el s.XVIII, que inclouen totes les etapes creatives de l'artista.

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Huge congratulations to Susanna Clarke for winning the
for her novel
You can reserve a copy to collect from your local library here - https://t.co/FVKNDZBXjB

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Women’s prize for goes to ‘mind-bending’ Clarke’s follow-up to Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell was praised by judges as ‘a truly original, unexpected flight of fancy’ https://t.co/mI1zkzH8rc 📚

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"Piranesi will follow the story of its eponymous hero, who lives in the House, a building with “hundreds if not thousands of rooms and corridors, imprisoning an ocean. A watery labyrinth.”

hmmm Piranesi....

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Have a look at this detailed 18th cent. copperplate of a gladiator helmet by G.B. Piranesi. What a perfect use of light and shade. &
❤️ Piranesi!!!

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"These speaking ruins have filled my spirit with images that accurate drawings, even such as those of the immortal Palladio, could never have succeeded in conveying." -Piranesi. Get a copy of Piranesi: The Complete Etchings from our shop https://t.co/b9JxvGR7Eb

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Before comic artists discovered Sketchup there was the architectural drawn wonders of François Schuiten's bd books.

Shades of Piranesi.

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