Added bats to my little dungeon. Oh and a longer idle animation. The movement curve for the damn bat took me longer than I expected and it's still a bit wonky... :(

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The last fight scene got some comments about too unvaried attack moves. Tried to address this with more different and random attack moves. Hope it's better now.

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Bought some game assets and fittet them to my needs. Pick your battles I guess. Saved me a couple of hours. Can you guess what items are not from me?

21 118

Collect effect with or without numbers? What do you say?

21 181

After the big masher, here are some small falling blocks. Watch your head!

18 120

Reworked the "masher". This moving element can work dynamically in all directions, with different sprites and sizes, and a wide variety of settings. Hope this helps me in a lot of traps in my levels...

16 167

Custom font on pixel scroll for short background stories or lore.

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Windmill for my little town. Three more buildings and a lot of little stuff to do...

16 116

Little blacksmith shop for There will be a little town with a couple of buildings in this style for inbetween missions where you can buy some equipment and begin a new mission. Hope you like it...

16 129

Wall sliding and wall jumping for I need to stop implementing new features and continue on the level design otherwise I might loose my scope!

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Tavern. Wanted to use it for my game but I think it's too big. Anyhow it was very relaxing. :)

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