Pokecember Day 27 - Favorite Mythical

I don't think about mythical pokemon all too much, so I'm not sure I have a definitive favorite, but one out of the bunch that I enjoy their design is Victini

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Pokécember Day 25: Shiny Pokémon

I fell behind again shhh
I love shiny Ho-Oh, though! The golden feathers. 😱

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Day 27 : Random Legendary Pokemon (feat a MENACING Incarnate Tornadus)

Hey, it was expected, when you see the Pokemon haha
What pisses him off tho ... that's the question !
(Yea, it's just the off sprite with perspective, but shh. Wanted to do more, but heh)

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Minty favorite pseudolegendary is I love all the pseudolegendary but Garchomp is one of the best because it's fast, strong, and Cynthia's Pokemon.

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Minty favorite shiny is I love how neon-ish Tropius' shiny colors are. And I love the green/yellow/orange combo because it's reminds me of nature so much.

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Pokecember Day 25 - Favorite Shiny

Merry Christmas! One more week of pokecember to go!
With Garchomp having a really boring base shiny form, I'm really happy they went all out with the mega shiny form, a beautiful hot pink

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Day 25 : Random Gen7 Pokemon (feat a lonely, but happy Marshadow)

No need to have 4565213 guests for having a good Xmas ! Look at Marshadow, he's used to it and he's happy with the gilf Delibird gave to him !
Stay safe, even with COVID around

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Day 24 of features Alolan Sandslash, drawn by for the T’was the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, except for this mouse.

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Minty favorite Eeveelution is Of all the Eeveelutions, Electric is my favorite type. Also Jolteon is so cool looking with the sharp fur.

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Day 24 : Random Gen6 Pokemon (feat an intrigued Diancie)

For a December-related challenge, I wasn't really festive ... so it's fixed ! Diancie thinks these familiar diamonds are real ... Hmm
[Reminder : Til 26th, it'll be Mythical-only for me, self-added rule !]

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Day 23 of features Manectric, drawn by for the Anyone traversing this mountain range better watch out for this territorial electric dog.

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Minty favorite Fossil is T-rexes are the coolest animals so that makes Tyrunt the coolest Pokemon! And Tyrunt is also just so adorable.

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Pokecember Day 23 - Favorite Starter

Already drew Dewott for favorite water stater, so here's an Oshawott for today

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