tbh i dunno what to do for my porg ears bow! i figure the tiny porgs i will likely end up attaching to myself somehow 😂 there was a point i debated making a porg crown bc my friends are silly but i dont think thatll look cute at all

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Porg pile will always keep you warm!
Commission for 🥰

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It's just starting to get chilly on Ahch-to❄️ Don't want to catch the sniffles!

Cuddling for warmth in a Porg Huddle is just the thing to do, especially with their recently "acquired" scarf.

Another lovely Kylux + KoR Porgs Commission done by

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*Porg-tober Day 31*
"At last, we must say our goodbye
To our porg friends, now please do not cry,
They’ll be with us forever
From a mind, oh, so clever,
Thank for 'The Last Jedi'!"

(A Porg'ed version of that amazing poster 😆)

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Porg-tober Day 29 - The Story of Porg Island

Before Rey and Ben were born, a pallaskean serpent attacked Porg Island, provoked by a group of belligerent porgs who wanted to cause havoc and rule through brute force. They were soundly defeated 👌

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Porg-tober Day 24 - Maz (Porgs of Lore)

Last, you must all meet Miss Maz,
Who loves to collect things, just ‘cause.
She’s also quite wise,
And she’ll see through your lies.
Don’t cross her, she’ll show you who’s boss.

She's quite proud of it! 😆😆

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Porg-tober Day 23 - Zorii (Porgs of Lore)

A porg with a helmet in place
It’s Zorii, she’s hidden her face.
She always lays low,
Tends to act like a shadow.
Just try not to get on her case.

On Porg Island, Zorii is a shy bean 😅☺️

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Porg-tober Day 22 - Snoke (Porgs of Lore)

Ev’ry porg knew him as Snoke.
He’d been one nasty ol’ bloke.
He bullied young Ben,
a little chick then.
But he vanished and prob’ly went “croak.”

Rumors circulate about what happened to the one-eyed porg 🤔

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Porg-tober Day 21 - Jannah (Porgs of Lore)

Jannah’s a recent newcomer.
She showed up at last year’s midsummer.
A natural leader,
Take heed, my good reader.
All you porgs can learn lots from her.

Love for Btw turning human hair to feathers is hard 🤣

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Porg-tober Day 19 - Sidious (Porgs of Lore)

"There once was a porg called Sidious.
And trust me, he looked quite hideous.
He’d tried to trick Rey,
To get his own way.
He’s gone now, but he was insidious."

Greetings from beyond the graaave 👻👻👻

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Porg-tober Day 17 - Hux (Porgs of Lore)

"There once was a porg called Hux,
His emotions were always in flux.
He tried to take power,
Rule the flock (he’s a coward),
Now he lives with a whole bunch of ducks."

We do not talk about the ducks. Ever. 😰😵‍💫🦆

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Porg-tober Day 15 - Han (Porgs of Lore)

"Ben once had a father called Han
Who’d fought by his uncle and won.
But once Ben was born,
His father grew torn
Over freedom or raising his son."

Some father/son angst, sorry guys 😶😶😶 But baby Ben!!

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Porg-tober Day 13 - Luke (Porgs of Lore)

"An older porg, Luke was his name;
Had saved them all, risen to fame.
He’d beaten the serpent--
--his story’s important--
But would you believe such a claim?"

Ope 🤭🤭 Just a dash of lore-building there!

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Porg-tober Day 12 - Rose (Porgs of Lore)

"Little Rose once lost her flock,
Found another, now they are her rock.
She has one heart of gold,
It will never grow old,
She’s also got eyes like a hawk."

A wild Porg!Rose appeared!! 💖

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Porg-tober Day 10 - Finn (Porgs of Lore)

"There once was a porg named Finn
Who’d greet all his friends with a grin
His first pal was Rey,
They’d met by the bay,
He always goes for the win."

The start of a new series, where we get to meet more porg friends! 😁

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Up next on Porg-tober 2021!

Stay tuned for Porgs of Lore!!!

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Big corpo might not like your pseudo-business persona act using their intellectual property (animations, videos, songs, etc) to build a following on Twitter, but

Disney will always approve of you posting Porg merch:

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Kylo Ren never expected himself to be a target of conquest.

A Porg will nest where it pleases!

A wonderful commission done by 💕💕💕

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A request compilation from a while ago I never posted. Star people themed or whatever.

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