10 Jan 1780 General Charles Lee was dismissed from the army after failing to overturn a court martial and resorting to attacking Washington’s character publicly. He retires to his estate and plays no further role in the war.

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9 Jan 1776 After a long delay, Continental Congress promotes Col Benedict Arnold to brigadier general. The delay in promotion would be one of many grievances he held against the American government.

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8 Jan 1776 Charlestown, MA Maj Thomas Knowlton’s raid disrupts Gen John Burgoyne’s play The Blockade of Boston. Thinking it's part of the show & a satire of the rebels, the audience laughs as Knowlton’s men take several prisoners & burn several buildings.

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6 Jan 1776 Boston MA Gen sir Henry Clinton sails from Boston to rendezvous off the Cape Fear River with a flotilla under Commodore Peter Parker & Gen Charles Cornwallis. The combined fleets/forces would join Loyalists in the Carolinas.

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5 Jan 1776 Portsmouth NH New Hampshire delegates vote to become the first independent state & replace the colonial charter with a new state constitution with a president and bicameral legislature.

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4 Jan 1781 Camp on Pacolet Creek, SC Brig Gen Morgan, commanding the “Flying Army,” wrote Gen Nathanael Greene on the state of his campsite, local militia, the poor state of supplies & reconnaissance efforts & the overall poor military situation.

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4 Jan 1781 Princeton NJ Gen Marquis de Lafayette, Gen Arthur St Clair, and Col John Laurens try to parley with Penn. Line mutineers but fail to get them to disarm.

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A nice portrait I hadn't seen until now featuring one Captain Patrick Campbell, c. 1775, by John Singleton Copley. While not a wartime portrait, this gives a good indication of how British officers in the RevWar dressed, eg. not always yards of lace and gold tape.

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23 Dec 1776 Thomas Paine's The American Crisis is read to the Continental Army. The pamphlet inspired the army and the nation when it was at its lowest point following the British blitz across Jersey. "THESE are the times that try men's souls.”

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17 Dec 1760 Plympton, MA. Deborah Sampson was born. She served in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War & is one of several women with a documented record of military combat experience in that war.

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14 Dec 1775 Continental Congress mandates a 13-seat marine committee, with 1 member from each colony, to purchase and equip all warships authorized by the Naval Committee.

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13 Dec 1776 Basking Ridge, NJ. Gen Charles Lee overnights at White’s Tavern. Loyalists inform the British, who dispatch a troop of 16th Light Dragoons led by Col Harcourt & Capt. Tarleton, who seize the former British officer after a short scuffle.

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12 Dec 1776, Congress authorized establishing the 2nd Light Dragoons regiment under Col.Elisha Sheldon, establishing the American mounted arm. The 2nd Continental Light Dragoons would host Washington's intelligence arm under Captain Benjamin Tallmadge.

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10 Dec 1777 Masons Ford, PA. Gen Charles Cornwallis’s forces conduct a successful raid on Gulph’s Mill, seizing 2,000 sheep & cattle.

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7 Dec 1777 Whitemarsh, PA. Gen Howe tries to turn the rebel left flank at Abington & Edge Hill. Washington counters with Col Daniel Morgan's rifle corps & militia. Skirmishing continues all day, but Howe risks no full-scale battle.

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27 Nov 1777 Continental Congress recommends states confiscate all Loyalist property, triggering mass exodus to Canada.

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27 Nov 1773 Tea ship Dartmouth, 1st of 3 ships to be involved in the Boston Tea Party, reached Boston but Sons of Liberty prevented its unloading. By law, if the tea was not unloaded within 20 days, it would be seized and sold to pay customs duties.

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20 Nov 1775. Ninety-Six, SC. The exchange of fire picked back up as the light grew. The Loyalists attempted to create a smokescreen by burning the field surrounding the fort, but the ground was too wet. As night fell, the majority of the firing died down.

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18 Nov 1775 Fort Ninety-Six, SC. Col Patrick Cunningham’s 1,800 Loyalists invest the 600 rebels under Col Andrew Williamson. A desultory exchange of shots occurs over the next few days.

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10 Nov 1781 Gen Arthur St Clair marches a division of Continental Army from Yorktown to reinforce Gen Nathanael Greene in NC. The Yorktown victory was not the end of the fighting.

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