Fun fact Gepardenforelle (cheetahtrout) was originally a term used to test the searchefficiency of the first internet searchmaschines. it wouldnt feel right for me to pick any other fish

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Missed this , due to illness. Luckily it was just a cold.
I wanted to submit something, nonetheless!

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I decided that I was entirely happy with my offering this week, so i decided to have a bit of fun and make a friendly cartoon version of my pork fish too.

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finished an assignment for a course where I created a whole character line up of characters. They are all based on fun stickleback facts. Really fun project!

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Carrying on with the ink and watercolour experimentation for this week's belated 🐟

Not entirely accurate species, but enjoyed it nonetheless.

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Back when I used to work on sturgeon, the appearance of white suckers in the river was always a portent that the spawning season was starting, so they are my nominee for this week's fish!

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The finished walleye from last week's

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Took a long break from to focus on writing my comic. But now that I’m back to drawing, I have a lot of incidental fish drawings to share. Here’s a California sheepshead, looking rather nonplussed (as per usual)

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Our Snow White Cichlid (Pseudotropeus Socolofi) for This red-eyed lady broods her young in her mouth from eggs till small fry. Fits of “white fish.” Named Q-Tip because she is white and was not much larger than the tip of a Q-tip when we got her.

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She's on some adventures in the Long Island Sound! Featuring a diamondback terrapin, a dusky smooth-hound, a lion's mane jellyfish, and some Atlantic silversides.

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Offtheme playing around with an idea

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An off-theme golden redhorse for this week's

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A carpsucker for this week’s “names with water bodies” theme.

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Back on the prompt train! Here’s an ocean perch. It’s also know as the rose fish, due to its lovely pink hue.

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A new blacknose shiner for today's

Though not discovered this year, I did have to update the families for all the North American minnows in from the last time I taught ichthyology since the reorganization into their own family Leuciscidae.

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Thanks also to all of the (and especially the newly-minted Dr. ) for another year of crossover mania with It never stops blowing my mind how talented everyone is!

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in conclusion: spotted gars, they're just silly lil' guys

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I had no idea what was, so had to wait for the first posts. And learned about a new fish today!

Common shiner (Luxilus cornutus)

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Luxilus cornutus, the common shiner, is my guess for this week’s and
Two angles to show off his holiday lights.

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