I got very tired of superficial romances that don’t involve deeper communication and emotional maturity and looking inside to address psychological patterns and childhood wounds, so I wrote my own.

2 5

A perfect end for the arc that felt like Suzuki was often sprinkling in fun but mostly superficial Kishimoto homage throughout. 👌🏽 I wonder if he's done a lot of things with other mangaka too in past arcs & I just didn't catch them..

4 26

iii - the high priestess || rienne arbasque

upright - unconscious, intuition, mystery, spirituality, higher power, inner voice

reversed - repressed intuition, hidden motives, superficiality, confusion, cognitive dissonance

3 9

Non è facile valutare una persona ognuno ha per volerlo fare , c’è chi con superficialità guarda solo la bellezza , altri cercano cosa si nasconde dentro al cuore

18 47

… criticised for superficiality Work showcases travel (Middle East Venice Tyrol Corfu Montana Maine & Florida) Commissions used grand style while flashed Later focused & Notoriously under-valued by earlier art historians

0 0

There may be a time when you want the world to bur. To rip reality apart. Rend energy and matter, soul and body.

This is just superficial, a flail of a mind going to it's furthest reaches of its emotional bonds. Do not let it. You have far more control over yourself and reality

0 0

Some of my portraits which are more about…how to put it🤔, our energetic interaction with our world… than about how we appear superficially. Inspired by thoughts, emotions, & ancestral & environmental connections.

3 6

Praying they add in a little flashback to Ishin meeting Toshiro during the Arrancar Saga. Just to superficially pay off those feelings in present day. 👌🏽
With Rangiku SK stuff cut in Manga, I assume this connection was originally going to be addressed..

24 204

"¿Recuerdas que hace unos momentos pregunté si se podía repetir...? Me refería a...de otra manera"

Dijo sin más antes de plantar otro beso, algo más suave, superficial y corto...

7 11

¡¿Por qué sois tan superficiales?! 😭

168 1751

Una de las cosas que comienzo a apreciar ahora que estoy haciendo mi novela son los momentos donde los personajes sólo conviven o hablan
Superficialmente suena aburrido/pesado y hasta sería mejor ser directo, pero ese tipo de "rellenos" son necesarios+

17 156

i think i liked what i saw of it?? when the fall season is over and im no longer keeping up with like 5 shows i might try checking it out again. i hope thers a second season with 20 exclamation points. this one is my fav for extremely superficial voiced by aina aiba reasons

0 1

Incidentally, I'm superficially mad at .

Last year I comm'd the insanely talented for one of their drink icons featuring my dragon. A MONTH afterwards, MtnDew rebranded their energy drink from "Rise" to "Energy".

So the icon is a little dated now.

1 13

I've suspected Gege of giving a superficial nod to Chainsaw Man in a recent Ch. Now I wouldn't be surprised if he is doing the same for his friend Horikoshi too. 👌🏽 This situation being the opposite tracks with Gege's twisted sense of humor imo.

3 56

I am curious what color Suletta's dress is because it bears a *very* superficial resemblance to Loran's with the crossing shoulder bits and the bow on the waist? In Loran's case the bow forms the cross guard of a sword shape. Y'know, because he's a knight

5 13

In my opinion, Mui's design aesthetic appears to be rather superficial and basic. But her simplicity is what makes her adorable yet appealing.💜✨️

Now, I'm not claiming she is superior to others, but she definitely exudes a lovely vibe.Thank you Tozuka-sensei ~ 💗😁

3 8

Ustedes tienen un personaje que sean "literalmente ustedes"? yo ví a KaeriChannel y me di cuenta que KaeriChannel es una copia de mi personalidad ambos fríos, solitarios y depresivos incomprendidos en un mundo de tontos, vagando en la superficialidad y mentiras. https://t.co/pg4sC4EVeE

2 7

"Vivere è convivere con l'idea che tutto prima o poi finirà. La morte è come una sentinella che fa da guardia al mistero. È la roccia che ci impedisce d'affondare nella superficialità. È un segnale che ci costringe a cercare una meta per

🖌️ Edouard Manet

114 210

🗨️ "So, as an expert, what do you think about the superficiality of today's society?"

111 1466