
By that I mean is now live on Already past 20% of its goal!

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Big thanks to for including the story and I created!


8 12

It’s here in the US! If you’re able to vote, please do so! 🗳


5 28

This toon by sums up how the Left is feeling these days. What are your thoughts?

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11 21

It is and time for you to vote.

Are you a T-Shirt or Sweatshirt kind of person?

1 5

TODAY IS THE DAY! The Political Machine 2020 releases along side of Watch our live broadcast today at 2PM ET

6 10

It's except here in PA where our Primaries aren't until a week before the general election.

4 48

It's Time to dress up and be a super... Wait... That's not what super Tuesday means? 😭😭😭

Also, I voted already.


10 81

Today is when voters across America are preparing to take part in the biggest day of the 2020 election so far.⁠⠀
commissioned to illustrate this Outlook feature 'How can we un-break the primaries?'

1 1

My state doesn't vote until next Tuesday but if your state votes today, please go vote! 💖

0 0

Entrenched Democrats are much more interested in stopping Bernie than they are in beating Trump, which is why they are comfortable coalescing around someone they know will lose in order to deny poor people a better standard of living

280 1403

Reason 6,782 you should vote for Bernie Sanders over Mike Bloomberg.

1 4

Choose wisely, we have a democracy to save.

3 12