first called off the lawful rally, n two minutes later they fired teargas. Not to mention the abitrary arrest on citizens wearing in black. What’s the meaning of “approving us to have a rally”? Easier for them to catch more?!

26 21

did everything w/o baseline, deploying teargas, applying PS spray & indiscriminate assaulting nearby civilians was daily activities for them, what a shame 😡

9 12

16/12 01:08 MK Portland St.
deployed teargas repeatedly & one of it has impacted the right 👁 of a HKBUSU press directly. Let’s pray for him 😢🙏🏻
Once again, tried to take away one’s 👁
Source: Flashmedia

31 25

These are the problems caused by using so many tear gas. Hong Kong people are living in poor air conditions because of it. This harms Hong Kong people's health! Especially children and the elderly!

31 22

From 12 June to 1 Oct, there were 4,138* tear gas used. .
*HK police force didn’t disclose figures for weekend of Sep 22, according to Bloomberg.

8 8

2245HKT Multiple shots of teargas on Mong Kok Rd

13 9

Through the police teargas & rubber bullets, the flag still flies at CUHK.

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fired multiple rounds of in an station. It is Source: Felix Lam, HKImaginaire

2 1

and the teargassing of children

40 19

They no longer use teargas, they upgraded.

18 7