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GM everyone ☕️👁🫡
It's an honor to own @scunitez first 1/1:
French mood - "As a french little otter, I'm used to smell teargas."
"There Will Be Peace" 48"x61"
Shiva Paintstiks on Paper
#Police responsed w/ #rubberbullets #teargas #riotgear #gasmasks & #nightsticks
Another of my #paintings in #exhibition starting tomorrow at @kyogallery #artwork #arte #kunst #policebrutality #protestart #figurativeart
#OtD 26 Aug 2017 Chilean riot dog Negro Matapacos (Black Cop-Killer) died of old age. A Santiago stray, he defied teargas, barked at police and defended protesters in the 2011 student movement and subsequently. Commemorative posters & more here: https://t.co/3J9jZjn4fT
Charcoal and Acrylic Paint on 100% Rag Paper
78” x 42.5”
today 2022
【今日の1枚】『Tear Gas』1971年発表の2nd。センセーショナル・アレックス・ハーヴェイ・バンドの前身バンド。ストレートなHRで後にM・シェンカー・グループに参加するメンバーも在籍し演奏力は高い。ジャケはヒプノシス。「監獄ロック」のカヴァーなども収録。
Most of the HK protest art you've seen are probably of our frontliners braving teargas, looking unbeatable, unshakeable, unbreakable. But the truth is HKers are merely human. Many were drowning, in teargas, in tears, in fears. Many are still drowning.
Source: TG (Aug & Sep 19)
This year #portland has survived a #globalpandemic #covid #teargas #PoliceBrutality #snowstormepic #heatdome2021 When do I level up 🆙? or get a t-shirt or prize ?
Among those arrested from Tunisia's protests is human rights defender & @AssociationDamj member Hamza Nasri. After police hit demonstrators w/ sticks & used teargas, Hamza was detained & accused of "attacking good morals & professing obscenity." https://t.co/6FDDtEX4Ie
Finished this dirty lad. Which legion should I do next?
#TheMandalorian #warhammer40k #WarhammerCommunity #horusheresy #StarWars #deathguard #spacemarines #chaosspacemarines #nurgle #teargas #chemicalwarfare #gasmask
Trump is tear gassing his own people.
America is crying.
@realDonaldTrump #Teargas #DictatorTrump #PortlandProtest
Please RT my drawing.
Finished version of this drawing 🌸
I couldn’t decide what color I wanted the gas to be initially, but I ended up picking yellow for the contrast
#ICantBreathe #protest2020 #ACAB #furryart #Teargas #BLM #BLMprotest #BlackLivesmatter #DefundThePolice #PoliceBrutality
“a dog kicking a teargas canister back at some cops"
Thank you for donating to the Dede Mcclure Community Bail Fund based in San Diego (https://t.co/2qdp7uPhnD).
Hey yall here's some free info graphics to spread on teargas. Tryna educate everyone so they cant catch us slipping again. Lol #BlackLivesMatter #TearGas
The fog of war (on protesters)... @TheBuffaloNews #Trump #POTUS #GOP #teargaslighting #Teargas #gaslighting https://t.co/NANpPVrAQ8