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光復香港 時代革命 日本、香港と共に🇭🇰🙂🇯🇵✋💛☝️ #StandwithHK #香港人権法案 #香港警察の暴行 #FightForFreedom #香港デモ #香港加油 #HKPoliceState #HKPoliceTerrorism #Fight4HumanRights
#FreedomOfSpeech #AMNESTY #香港がんばれ #手足支持 #手足加油
@lukedepulford @UKinHongKong @DominicRaab We didn’t understand the intention of #HKPoliceTerrorists, such a peaceful female #HKProtester didn’t show any threatening at that moment
It was just another arbitrarily arrest that targeting & threatening youngster 😡
#HKPoliceTerrorism #HKPoliceState
@reynadesai #HKPF did everything w/o baseline, deploying teargas, applying PS spray & indiscriminate assaulting nearby civilians was daily activities for them, what a shame 😡
#HKPoliceTerrorism #HKPoliceBrutality #SOSHK
@demosisto Never forgive #HKPoliceBrutality 😡
Such insane & absurd action should be stopped & sanctioned 😡
I will never forget and forgive what the #HKPoliceTerrorism have done to every hk university and also HKpeople
香港人🇭🇰 報仇🎗
Make the right choice #standwithhk #antichinazi #HKPoliceTerrorism we fight or died
The bus driver affected by #teargas of #HKPoliceTerrorism
27 Oct 2019
Mong Kok, #HongKongProtest
Photo: @knightlaiart
#Pepe (#TheSmurfs version 😡) say no to #WaterCannonBlue of #HKPoliceTerrorism
At 13/10 16:00, Kwai Fong, the #hkpolice caught the passers-by into‘優品360‘, and suddenly covered up the mask masquerading as protesters to destroy the shop!
#HKprotests #hkpolicebrutality #HKPoliceTerrorism
@chowtingagnes #HKPolice fired to protesters!!!! 🤬🤬🤬#HKPoliceTerrorism #hkPoliceBrutalitiy