We didn’t understand the intention of such a peaceful female didn’t show any threatening at that moment
It was just another arbitrarily arrest that targeting & threatening youngster 😡

51 85

Totally absurd!😡 should be sanctioned for their evil action
Video👇🏻 showing another situation, 2 riot just threw a down to the staircase, such action was cold-blooded 😢

14 13

did everything w/o baseline, deploying teargas, applying PS spray & indiscriminate assaulting nearby civilians was daily activities for them, what a shame 😡

9 12

Never forgive 😡
Such insane & absurd action should be stopped & sanctioned 😡

34 81

I will never forget and forgive what the have done to every hk university and also HKpeople
香港人🇭🇰 報仇🎗

6 6




74 49

The are out of control! This is another shopping mall in TaiPo, they attack an elderly, push her on the floor! Inside the shopping mall are all residents. There’s no reason to enter the mall!

672 565