
Numbats are solitary, very territorial and have very big home ranges due to their dependency on termites.

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I haven't been on in a while so here's some game art of termite NPCs I've made D:

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Introducing your college mate: Aardie!🥊💢

She loves her honey covered termites, bass boosted music, cave exploring and wailing on her punching bag! Be careful with her mean streak now, lest you get roasted.

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Look at what made for me!

Our mascot Chomp the Termite has never looked so dashing!

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Wicked OC design. I also got an Egg allied Girl. Mekannah the Queen Termite.

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It's my first on, so it's time to post some sauropodomorph Here's Giraffatitan at the beach (2021), my Diplodocus mural for the Dorset Dippy exhibit (2019), Plateosaurus with flies (2020) and Shingopana with termites (2017).

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A juzgar por los síntomas y como un padeciente del mismo, yo diría que tiene Asperger, sin mencionar que debe tener un trastorno explosivo intermitente (Arranques de ira e irritabilidad)
Lo curioso es que el Stand de Ghiaccio debe estar hecho para calmarlo de cierto modo -

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“What? Rayna’s idea was kinda cute the more I thought about it, plus this 70s getup is FLY!”

Maggie in her Dish Sisters outfit from that one cutaway moment in “Le Termite” cuz she did look funky fresh, lol.

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13. Teetza! A birdhouse objectoid from Tales of Toy Town, Teetza used to be a popular circus performer when termites in his wooden head caused him to go insane. When he could no longer perform, his troupe decided to leave him behind and now he roams the streets of San Fran.

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Chicos, les avisamos que ahorita está lloviendo muy fuerte con todo y truenos y la luz anda intermitente. 
Es posible que el stream comience más tarde por lo que estén al pendiente de las redes sociales por si hay cualquier cambio.

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Daisy Podidae is going to a barbecue at a friends place. There will be grilled ants and termite salad. A delicious menu when you are an

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Did you know termite Queens can live up to 25-30 years!? That is almost as old as me 😳
Termites are social insects and the head of the colony is the queen. The workers take care of the King and the Queen.

Created for: Nature Classrooms

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상큼한 블루레몬에이드 마린이 등장!
🎨 @ 1nsanetermite

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Hello Termite!
I have commissions open if you still looking o:

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Shite, shiba inu + termite queen

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found out about so here are some termites, first one is with reference second one is from memory

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Did you know the termite workers use their saliva and mud to make small mud-balls which they use to build the mounds! This illustration depicts termite worker behaviour while making small mud balls. Created for: Nature Classrooms

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