Cant believe we get home, both feel totally fine, so at least so far we think we escaped getting sick...
but we find out we have termites

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Hope everyone has a good weekend!

Here's two more bugs for the NPC collab!
Two sad termites to be precise

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Numbats are solitary, very territorial and have very big home ranges due to their dependency on termites.

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Introducing your college mate: Aardie!🥊💢

She loves her honey covered termites, bass boosted music, cave exploring and wailing on her punching bag! Be careful with her mean streak now, lest you get roasted.

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It's my first on, so it's time to post some sauropodomorph Here's Giraffatitan at the beach (2021), my Diplodocus mural for the Dorset Dippy exhibit (2019), Plateosaurus with flies (2020) and Shingopana with termites (2017).

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13. Teetza! A birdhouse objectoid from Tales of Toy Town, Teetza used to be a popular circus performer when termites in his wooden head caused him to go insane. When he could no longer perform, his troupe decided to leave him behind and now he roams the streets of San Fran.

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Did you know termite Queens can live up to 25-30 years!? That is almost as old as me 😳
Termites are social insects and the head of the colony is the queen. The workers take care of the King and the Queen.

Created for: Nature Classrooms

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found out about so here are some termites, first one is with reference second one is from memory

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Did you know the termite workers use their saliva and mud to make small mud-balls which they use to build the mounds! This illustration depicts termite worker behaviour while making small mud balls. Created for: Nature Classrooms

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Giant Anteater

Giant anteaters walk on their knuckles to protect their long, sharp claws they use to dig into anthills. They will eat around 30,000 ants and termites every day but they will never completely empty a mound so the colony can recover until they return.

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Let me draw your faves today so I can buy a new table and drawers to replace the ones termites destroyed 🥲💗

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ty guys sm for all the love recently... i didn't expect so many nice folks to come out the wood work!!
Eye lov u eye lov u! Silly little termites<3🍯✨🔪

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She will inject termites into ur pc

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019. Ticker
"Nasty little termites that infested Mumbo's lawn,
maybe the answer to this problem is with a little brawn.

They match accordingly, like soldiers marching off to battle,
demanding your pants, going on a prattle."

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We almost forgot to tell you, the termites can jump very high too (for someone their height, it's very high)
16 days remaining!
And don't forget to check the demo this week!

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these termites have a very explosive personality...literally
17 days remaining!
And today is the demo premiere!
You can go to the microsoft store on your and download it!

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The Termite Story - Soldier termites gain their wings and after losing it they become preferable reproductive to Queen.

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