Hey frens,
Print this out and look at it whenever you need some motivation each day! see's you.

2 8

Shit - I found a meme generator thingy I can actually work - cause I'm about as old as this Pepperidge Farms guy.

2 8

Memes : What are they and why do they play such a big roles in NFT'S and web3 ?

How projects like by with meme machine, memes by and by are building great communities.

A thread.


62 190

Gm Web3 and culture

Ozark brought the MEME maker inside of me back to life! and it puts a smile on my face!☺️

This weekend is going to be FUN!

17 98

enjoyed listening to in spaces about looking forward to it! had to create something for fun.

42 130

Gm! 💀

Reminder we are in an unprecedented era of information. It has never been more important to protect free speech and the pursuit of truth.

Bullish on everyone here searching for ways to use technology in a more honest, sustainable and responsible way.

24 77

Thank you to Voters. have spoken, 60% of America reject the former guy from Mar-a-Lardo.

474 1722

"Monsoon Misterioso" by Frank Gonzales, a Phoenix Arizona based painter and muralist.

via .

Learn more:

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