Detail of the Master Brewer from The Oxford Trollomicus: Troll Tea is a potent brew!

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We have just over 24 Hours left on our Campaign for a most Curious Book: The Oxford Trollomicus. Please take a look and, if you think it's worth it, spread the word. Thanking you kindly!

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Did you know that Troll Tea is made from the distilled stories and tales gathered from around Oxford and brewed to a secret recipe by the Grande brewer at Longbridges, on the Thames? The Oxford Trollomicus does!

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Only two full days to go, to peek into the absurdity of the Oxford Trollomicus Campaign! Go on, It's All Saints' Day (The Trolls actually prefer Little Mix)! ? ?

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The Troll Cats have heard that there is only 5 more full days to get their paws on the Oxford Trollomicus. Please do NOT pat them, or accept any advice concerning quantum rifts or plumbing. Oh, the Book is over :

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The Oxford Trollomicus - Nearly there! If you know anyone that would love something a little different and would be willing to help push us over the edge, please pass on the word and share. Thank you!

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The Oxford Trollomicus is 85% funded, with just 11 days to go!
Cast your eyes over a Curious Guidebook for a Curious City...

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The Bomble Bees of Oxford are out and about spreading the word (across the realms) about the Oxford Trollomicus guidebook !

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The Bods - the tiny little folk who look after the books in are getting ready to welcome a copy of The Oxford Trollomicus into The Bodleian.

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