The shadows of night are closing, the Bridges of Oxford stand guard.... walk the myst paths towards the last few days of our campaign :

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Just 5 Days to get your hands on a book that some people are calling "A Guidebook, apparently. Something to do with Trolls and Oxford. Possibly"

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The Troll Cats have heard that there is only 5 more full days to get their paws on the Oxford Trollomicus. Please do NOT pat them, or accept any advice concerning quantum rifts or plumbing. Oh, the Book is over :

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The Oxford Trollomicus - Nearly there! If you know anyone that would love something a little different and would be willing to help push us over the edge, please pass on the word and share. Thank you!

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The Oxford Trollomicus is 85% funded, with just 11 days to go!
Cast your eyes over a Curious Guidebook for a Curious City...

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