# gop gopcorruptionovercountry gopbetrayedamerica gopbetraysamerica trumpcoupattempt trumpcrimescommission trumpisacriminal trump gopcomplicittraitors traitorssupporttraitortrump trump2020tosaveamerica trumpisanationaldisgrace art artwork artist draw drawing drawings digitalartwork digitalartist digitalart postapocalypse apocalypse newart creativity creative artistsoftwitter artistsontwitter bidenharris2020 thegreatreset voterfraud covid19 agenda2030 agenda21 maga trumpisalaughingstock trumpmeltdown2020 election2020results democracy dumptrump2020 trumpconcede satire cartoons comics politics occupy realdonaldtrump blacklivesmatter socialismo socialism anarchy coup mitchmcconnell moscowmitchmctraitor mcconnell ditchmitch trumpmeltdown maga2020 magatears votetrumptosaveamerica keepamericagreat trump2020landslidevictory magaa2020 votehimout kaga2020 redwave2020 wirsindpapst usaelections schwarwel uselection2020 trumpcollapse usaelections2020 schadenfreude byebyetrump byedon byedon2020 fourseasonslandscaping byetrump byerudy newword dumptrump webcomic webcomics cartoon mask monster election2020 drfauci maskup masked awareness 2020election 2020worstyear miami votelikeyourlifedependsonit follow followme facemask americafirst breastcancerawareness retweet like blackvoicesfortrump 80s finally trumptantrum trumpispathetic bidenharis2020 congratulationsjoebiden givebacktrumpvotes counteverylegalvote trump2020tosavetheworld stopthefruad bidencrimefamilly democratsarecorrupt democratsaredestroyingamerica iranians4trump

Everywhere you look in western civilization🧐
📢echoes declining freedom & democracy?

are puppets to
against is political theater

Elites CANT Democratically get away with what they want in &

1 3

In the end, only one of the three in this picture will be left standing & my money isn’t on that pair of lumberjerks. In today’s

16 38

„Trumps Reaktion auf Bidens Wahlsieg:
Verbarrikadiert gegen die Wirklichkeit“

4 10

Another wee medley: Fake Nukes, Donald be Nice, Immigration Wave, Toss the Trump

4 14