Life drawings from this week. Forgot to tweet them earlier. Trying out different brushes in procreate. Very sad this was our last session of the year. Maud has been an amazing teacher and I’m hoping we’ll see her again next year.

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This year I have graduated, moved to a new city and got a job.
In 2019 I hope to push my art into a more consistent direction across mediums and up my digital game. 🤞

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Some tanks coming your way too. More environment assets for character design.

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Environment thumbnails for character design. Not the cheeriest subject but I’m happy with how they’re going.

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Our Computer Animation Arts course leader Phil Gomm takes us through the incredible projects his students have been working on this last month... Take a look: 👏👏👏

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What an incredible digital drawing of in the by student Maddy Salgado 👏 We love seeing the genius behind the finished image too! Share your work with us using 🤩

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Some of my concept/ production art for my ‘From Script to Screen’ project

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Fell in love with a few of my characters for the From Script to Screen project. I thought I'd share them with you all.

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From character modeling group project 'Moom' to incredible concept paintings and life drawings - check out what our student's have been working on:

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Illustration & Animation student Maddy's digital drawing has got us feeling zen this Wednesday 😌 Check out the course:

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CAA's year is at an end, so here are a few of my favourite things from 2015/16! (Part 3)

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CAA's year is at an end, so here are a few of my favourite things from 2015/16! (Part 2)

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