Cuckoo parenting tips and how to set the record straight, by Green Humour

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Happy World Migratory Bird Day! I’ve enjoyed watching more birds arrive this week— even a Brown Thrasher! I put out my hummingbird feeder, but haven’t seen any so far. (Snow today made them hide I think.) Have you seen hummingbirds yet? 💕🌿💕#WorldMigratoryBirdDay

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Please keep the airways open: Celebrating 2020 theme is and is held on the second Saturday of each May:

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Happy Some of the most incredible annual are undertaken by like arctic terns and sooty shearwaters that cross the globe every year

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It's the – Let's conserve & restore the ecological connectivity and integrity of that support the natural movements of & that are essential for their survival and well-being!

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Este fin de semana se celebra el que en 2020 se convoca bajo el lema "Las aves conectan nuestro mundo"

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Want to celebrate while staying at home? Check out these ideas and activities you can get involved with:

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💙Hoy puedes asomarte a tu ventana y ver golondrinas o vencejos... Hace poco estaban a 2.500 o 9.000 kilómetros de aquí.
🌍 Las aves conectan el mundo y nos recuerdan la necesidad de cooperar para conservar un planeta sano.

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Birds inspire us and help us connect with nature. Celebrate on Saturday, May 9th, and every day!

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Today is You can find out more about how and a host of other are working to ensure and other animals continue to Connect our World. 🦆🦅

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is coming soon (9May). Although we are staying at home, still Come join or initiate online activities. EAAFP also prepared a series of activities for you:


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We're observing World Migratory Bird Day with this free illustration of Roseate Spoonbill based on John Audubon's Bird of America. See & download the enhanced vintage illustrations from this book here:

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One of my oldest cartoons on published in Gocomics in 2013. It's this Saturday :)

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It's a good opportunity to highlight illegal killing. via

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