I shall now show the rest of the world... BUFF GERBIL ELY

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New prompt! Female, Gerbil, Cowboy(girl) Dueling.


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アレチネズミ亜科のネズミ集9。エジプトの固有種 A.ウスイロアレチネズミ Pale gerbil  北アフリカに生息するB.オオエジプトアレチネズミ Greater Egyptian gerbil

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アレチネズミ亜科のネズミ集8。アラビア半島などに生息A.コビトケアシアレチネズミPygmy gerbil  北アフリカ~西アジアに生息B.バルチスタンアレチネズミBalochistan gerbil

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アレチネズミ亜科のネズミ集7。アラビア〜イラン南西部に生息A.チーズマンアレチネズミCheesman's gerbil 北アフリカに生息B.サハラアレチネズミLesser egyptian gerbil

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It’s more Giga Illustration Project! ft. Shirou (Battle Bond Flygon of my trainer OC Archer) and the Crown Beasts (Shiny Legendary Gerbil dorks)

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アレチネズミ亜科のネズミ集6。アフリカ南部に生息A.コビトアレチネズミHairy-footed gerbil アンゴラとナミビアに生息B.ゼッツェルコビトアレチネズミNamib brush-tailed gerbil

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アレチネズミ亜科のネズミ集5。南アフリカに生息する A.オオハダシアレチネズミ Cape gerbil 中央~南部アフリカに生息する B.ヤブアレチネズミ Bushveld gerbil

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Day 6! Rodents!
I drew this as a gift for my wonderful
Him with our gerbils ❤️❤️

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アレチネズミ亜科のネズミ集4。アフリカ北部に生息するA.オオアレチネズミNorth African gerbil エジプト~イラクに生息するB.ワグナーアレチネズミWagner's gerbil

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アレチネズミ亜科のネズミ集3。アフリカ南部に生息する コミミアレチネズミ Cape short-eared gerbil

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Dirk Darkhaven's Gary the Magic Gerbil children's novel & Dr. E. Amworks' How to Use Farts as a Replacement for Writing Comedy instructional book

Too Loud: The Incredibly Shrinking Head (2019)
Artist: Bunny Pina

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Misc art

1. Theatre kids, Alec and Jamal

2. Beach date featuring Jasper (gerbil, mine) and Joseph (belongs to HiryuRein on dA)

3. Vent art of me from August

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Congratulations to
Your has come to life!

Thanks everyone for your entries, Gerbils will be minted on the next Gas Dip with ALL metadata on

He's AR enabled, use the Artivive app to bring him to lilfe!

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Reuploading my design for Mardus, the necromancing gerbil, because I can (and because I love how he turned out).

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3 new kids books out today! 📖

Virtual Unicorn Experience by :

Big Nate: The Gerbil Ate My Homework by Lincoln Peirce:

Escape From a Video Game: The Secret of Phantom Island by Dustin Brady:

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After many hours of pixel pushing Moongerbil lives!

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