Doodled a little Kiara! Been following them since the beginning and thought they'd be a great end to inktober... Guess we all know how that went lol

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Vuelta a la normalidad tras el Inktober. 👏👏👏👏 A por más GTA y 🤭🤭🤭 (Estaba deseando).

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Hello there! I'm Ramflight and I art random things. Here are some of my latest, from Inktober. Impressive mile stone, congrats!

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“Life is short, but also terribly and insufferably long at the same time.”

Toothbrush Zolf for prompt 15 of Inspired by me submitting this quote for RQGG last year and having Ben read it in the Zolf voice.

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🎁Free XXL + Brushtober 2021 updates: 70+ new 🥳

Hi guys! I hope you’re all well and you enjoyed a creative For my traditional challenge I decided to create at least 2 per day inspired by Inktober prompts…

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Aaannnd that’s a wrap! Been a fun Inktober. Didn’t draw every single day but I did the best I could with the time given to me. Hope y’all had a fun time too! Maybe this will motivate me to draw on a regular basis. 🤞🏼 Day 30 and Day 31 prompts are “Angel” and “Smooth” respectively

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Et voilà, j'ai terminé mon premier J'en ai profité pour rendre hommage à toutes les œuvres et les artistes que j'apprécie.
Je remercie mes abonnés et ceux qui m'ont soutenu pendant ce mois d'octobre 2021.

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Inktober Day 31: Risk (also risqué)
Shadow Sae
I tried putting in extra effort for the last day of inktober. Thanks for being on this journey with me 🥲

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Sou grata a quem acompanhou minha trajetória no inktober. Espero que continuem acompanhando minha jornada aqui, estarei trazendo mais artes e mais coisas.
Muito obrigada! :)

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Prompt: SCALES

Final piece to light up the end of Inktober.

Listed on opensea for 0.05 ETH:

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Obrigada a todes que acompanharam e apoiaram! Nem creio que consegui finalizar ♥️

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day 31
Yess!! I've completed this years inktober. It was super challenging but also so much fun! For the last day I wanted to do a self portrait, something a bit special. Have a great Halloween!!

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Day 31 of inktober “risk”. For the second year in around I made it all 31 days of inktober. It’s a big self accomplishment, but now I need a nap lol.

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Inktober Day 31: Risk. And with this post, I am done with Inktober. 😭 That was a tough month for me.

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Последний день Тема — Спасение.

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The creation of the first human: Eve.
Made for the Connect prompt, on the 26th day of inktober.

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Inktober theme for day 14 was: Darkness
But in every darkness you'll find a little light.
Because of health reasons and a few more things I had to slow down with Inktober. I'm planing to draw all days but with delay.

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Did this drawing of yesterday during my break, so... I guess we're still good to go for finishing Inktober... right?

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Day 29 of We are so close to the end. Here is my final model for the challenge. A little plush cow for "patch"

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