Mega Banette

I wanted to do at least one thing for Done using ink and Inktense pencils.

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Day 20 Prompt: Serpent

Do ya reckon that when she sheds her snake skin she also peels off her human skin too?
Drawn with ink, fine liners and derwent inktense pencils.

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Prompt: ‘Jolt’.
Title: ‘Ink & Energy Drink’. Media: Acrylic Ink, Monster energy drink, Inktense Pencil, Ink Pen.
Not colours I usually go for. I drank the rest of this yellow hue Monster, and it did indeed give me a jolt! Did odd things to the ink.

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Prompt: ‘Muddy’.
Title: ‘Horticulture’. Media: Compost, Acrylic Ink, Inktense and Polychromo Pencil, Ink Pen.
Rubbing ink and dirt into paper then drawing into the marks that are left. Very odd method! Prompts getting me thinking outside the box...

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Day 5 Prompt: Laboratory
Eh, it's fine. The tentacles are the best part of the drawing to be honest.
Drawn with fine liners and coloured with Derwent Inktense pencils.

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Prompt: ‘Expensive’.
Title: ‘This Paper Smells So Good!’. Media: Acrylic Ink, Perfume, Inktense Pencil, Ink Pen.
Well it fractals off like the alcohol/ink mixes, obviously, but perfume is a very costly media. Thank you free samples.

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Prompt: Bottle.
Title: ‘Headache’.
Media: All Stuff In Bottles - Cleaning Fluids/gels, Alcohols, Brake Fluid, Olbus Oil, Dishwasher Fluid, Hand Sanitiser, Inktense Pencil, Ink Pen, Acrylic Ink.
Splash, cling film, hair dryer, draw. Fumes headache!

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Day 11. Prompt ‘Cruel’. Title: ‘Cancer’. Media: Acrylic Ink, Ink Pen, Inktense Pencil.
Dropping an ink drop, seeing it spread and connect. It reminded me of a microscopic image I encountered of a nasty cancer cell. Cruel cells indeed.

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Day 10. Prompt: ‘Flowing’. Title: ‘Going With It’. Media: Ink, Water, Pen, Inktense Pencil. Taking time out to go with the flow and see what I’ll do with the mess I made. Meditative self compassion without judgement.

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Day 10. Prompt: ‘Flowing’. Title: ‘Going With It’. Media: Ink, Water, Pen, Inktense Pencil. Taking time to out to go with the flow and see what I’ll do with the mess I made. Meditative self compassion without judgement.

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A few texture details from "Crimson in the sky" that I posted some days ago:
the raised textures, the inktense pastel marks... a lot of fun making them, and also looking at them!
to purchase >

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2 days of hard work and concentration by residents at Chiswhick Care, Edmonton were rewarded with these stunning colourful landscapes! Using pencils, and they were thrilled with the outcome!

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Inktober day 2:
Looks like, if I keep up with it, this may be a botanical theme. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Playing around with Inktense pencils :D

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Felt like doing another JBG so I picked this Voodoo girl from her Halloween book, coloured with Prismas & Inktense for the background. I like it! 📌📌📌

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"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong."

A big inspiration of mine lately has been . Love the way she teaches and motivates. Inktense, you work like magic!

Derwent Inktense Ink Pencils
8x8 in. 140lb hot pressed watercolor paper

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