plies DTIYS challenge of Sean Cheetham's Boss of the Plains. I had fun doing the study 😊

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Fun time at Caran’s figure session tonight! We had a great model Rosanna with some amazing backgrounds.

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I want to win a set of Sean Cheetham limited edition brushes! Wish me luck 😊
This is my entry for the plies DTIYS challenge

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Original of at its finest. Dappling Light Sparkles through the trees onto a mountain stream, revealing a myriad of color. Original & Gallery Prints

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Imagine consistently uploading on twitter dot com, couldn't be me lol
more artfight stuff - on the left for laprimavera and on the right for tea.mangos

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Painting rose petals is such a challenge. One day I'll get it down.

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“Shenstone’s Chapel”
Oil on canvas (14” x 18”)
The finished painting from my tutorial on Facebook live

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Estreando o sketch do Moby Dick com o meu navio pirata 🤘

Desenho "a la prima" com a brushpen da pentel e os marcadores da copic

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Today’s play time, still life, alla prima, oil sketch .......🎨🎨😊

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Oggi vivo di insonnia e di nostalgie. Specie nei giorni che precedono la primavera,nei giorni di vento,sono preda di rimpianti a cui non so dare un nome.

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LibroII / cantoI
Orlando Innamorato

Nel grazioso tempo onde natura
fu più lucente la stella d'amore,
quando la terra copre di verdura
e li arboscelli adorna di bel fiore,
giovani e dame et ogni creatura
fanno allegrezza con zoioso core

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Già sulle rive dello Xanto ritornano i cavalli,
gli uccelli di palude scendono dal cielo,
dalle cime dei monti
si libera azzurra fredda l’acqua e la vite
fiorisce e la verde canna spunta.
Già nelle valli risuonano
canti di primavera.


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“La giovane stagione riscalda a pieno il mio cuore che è facile ai brividi...”
Goethe,da i dolori del giovane Werther


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Primavera, infine, è alba.
Alba, le labbra e gli occhi,
che di tutto hanno
la forza immortale
Noi due, tu nuda
Io così come ho vissuto
Tu, sorgente del sangue
Io, mani aperte come occhi,
vivi soltanto per fedeltà alla vita

Paul Eluard

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For this painting I stepped back for every stroke to paint accurately so it took a little while. But it was so fun to paint this toy, especially the hair which is so chaotic for how it was held by its owner. Oh stepping back was nice little excise too Haha

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Still life study of my foot 🦶. Both in color and black/white. 😂
©️Stark 2021

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