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미스틱♥데스티니: 이 둘은 한때 런던 베이커가 221B에서 살면서 셜록 홈즈와 아이린 애들러로 위장하고 탐정활동을 한 적이 있었는데, 아서 코난 도일이 영감을 받아 소설로 발표했다.#LGBTQIA히어로

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Trans- ist keine Frauenfeindlichkeit. Ich bon angeglichener Transgender, gesetzlich eine Frau also Transfrau und ehre Frauen. Ob Mann, Frau, wir sind alle Menschen und sollen Antifaschismus und Nächstenliebe leben.

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Alakotila makes LGBTQIA+ sci-fi and fantasy comics. Their stories are about found family, adventure, and romance. They offer multiple comic books and series, as well as coloring books. They also share quite a bit of process content that’s popular with other creators.

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It makes my day when I piss off a homophobe 🤣🤣 I love that they thought by saying "please" that I would stop posting / art lmao.

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다켄: 울버린의 살아남은 세 아들 중 하나. 아빠미워 죽여버릴거야로 시작했는데 로라와 개비를 동생으로 여기며 끔찍이도 아낀다. 양성애자로 페로몬을 이용해 상대의 욕망을 증폭시켜 유혹한다.

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로키: 무지개다리를 타고 와서 LGBTQIA+와 잘 어울리는 로키. 젠더플루이드이며 때때로 여성으로서 나타난다.

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Huge thanks to for the amazing pride Icon. Been really wanting to celebrate my pride more, so this really hit the spot.

(Y'all should like totally commission pixel 👀)

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Starting off 2023!!

Caseyium! ⭐️
A celestial space goop who streams on twitch known as a variety streamer and artist. As well as a member of a LGBTQIA+ vtuber group

I think they were a great choice to start the year!

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Having lost all my palettes (rip) I'm trying to make new ones and experiment a little ✌🏻🏳️‍🌈✨

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My LGBTQIA+ fantasy releases 2/7/23!
Follow Cassia, who's due to inherit the Arcadian Empire (inspired by Aztecs), have the world given to her. And then that world is shattered- she loses her dragon, her home, and the woman she loves. But she owes a debt.

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Les vengo a recomendar Hana Monogatari, este manga cuenta la historia de amor de dos mujeres mayores que se enamoran tras todo el prejuicio y todo lo que conllevó para su generación salir del clóset.

Me gusta mucho el tropo de autodescubrimiento de la gente mayor LGBTQIA+

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"The characters are fabulous and rich. I could not put the book down. A great storyteller that makes you care about the characters."

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Allah liebt alle Menschen gleich, egal welche Religion, Hautfarbe, LGBTQIA, ob behindert und Atheisten. Gott / Allah ist Liebe und Barmherzigkeit.

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Meet Ewatomi and Oluwole from Walk with the Living II! More about them below 👇

Thanks to everyone who's supported the game so far! 💕😊


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I look at these cretins, I feel sick
Hold me, I'm scared
I always feel bad (by: Buerak)

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