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Fergus mac Leda had magical water boots and explored the rivers of Ireland. He met such a scary river horse that his face stuck in an expression of horror. Only a king with no blemishes could rule Ireland so he slayed the horse and his face became serene again.

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Ukiyoe prints often depicted in scenes from and/or kabuki plays. This one by Nansuitei Yoshiyuki (1863) depicts actors Fujikawa Tomokichi III (right) as the spirit of a monster serpent, and Onoe Tamizo II (left) as Yurugi Saemon.

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In Norse myths, Aegir was a sea giant he and his giant wife Ran lived in a eloquent hall beneath the ocean and are seen as the divine powers of the ocean. Aegir formed close ties with the Norse pantheon and was famous for hosting many lavish feasts for them.

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Cetus was a large sea monster sent by the Greek god Poseidon to devour princess, Andromeda, to punish her mother Cassiopeia for bragging that her daughter’s was prettier than the sea goddess. Cetus was killed by demigod Perseus who later on married Andromeda

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Áine, the Queen of the Fairies in Irish mythology, is the goddess of love, fertility, the sun, and Summer. The summer solstice and the days leading up to midsummer are her sacred days. Rites were performed in her honour as recently as 1879.
🎨Julia Cellini.

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It is the family sagas that we hear while sitting on our parent's (grandparent's) knees that create our family roots and give us the sense of belonging...Hence Serbian expression "from knee to knee" meaning "from generation to generation"

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Boccaccio’s The Decameron, a frame story comprising 100 tales, told by a group of 10 young friends, over a period of 10 days. The are sheltering in a secluded villa on the outskirts of Florence, to avoid the risk of the Black Death.

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🌿💜🌿Sage lore...
To conjure a vision of your future spouse, pluck twelve leaves - without breaking any - at midnight on Midsummer Eve, one at each strike of the clock.
Eat it in the month of May to ensure long life.
Believed to remedy failing sight and memory.

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(/4) Mount Subis, where the Great Niah Cave is located, has more than 1 story attached to it, but all have a theme in common: it was originally a longhouse, which turned into a stone after its inhabitants broke some traditional law/taboo.

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Born on the Outer Colony of Gao, Veta Lopis was a special inspector before becoming intertwined with the UNSC and Blue Team during Operation: JOVIAN WHISTLE in early 2553.


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An elderly man called Keith,
Mislaid his set of false teeth.
They'd been laid on a chair,
He'd forgot they were there,
Sat down, and was bitten beneath.
- Old Irish Limerick

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It's (François-Xavier Fabre, Oedipus and the Sphinx)

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The foxglove originally symbolised riddles & conundrums, probably because in Old Irish it was “folksglove”, the “folks” being the fairies with all their tricks. The “glove” may have been Anglo-Saxon “gliew” - bells on a frame. Foxgloves were also “fairy bells”.

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Anne Boleyn was beheaded May 19, 1536. Her ghost is said to still haunt the Tower of London, and a guard once claimed he saw her ghost leading an elaborate procession of knights and ladies in the Royal Chapel.

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The Gerding is form of Hookland nature spirit that needs appeasing. A monstrous head that lives beneath the soil, every few years it sends spores of itself up to the surface. These grow into smaller heads that demand the Gerding below is given its due.

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✨🦇✨Bats were often seen as bringers of bad luck, but this rhyme was said to ward misfortune away...
"Airy mouse, airy mouse, fly over my head,
And you shall have a crust of bread,
And when I brew and when I bake,
You shall have a piece of my wedding cake."

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An old Faroese nursery rhyme:

“A crow sits on the stone
Picks at a bone:
First was a potsherd,
Second – rubbish in a ring,
Third – a bandit at the Ting.
Now (name) should turn round in the ring”


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A sea goat represents the astrological sign Capricorn. Those born between December 21 and January 21 are Capricorns and are said to be very ambitious!

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The Forest Godesses, Vâlve or Charmstresses were said to hold power over herbs, magic flowers, thermal springs, winds, mountains and forests, where they lived among themselves, speaking a language no one understood.

🎨Giuliano Bartolomeo

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