Title: Cabaret Parisienne
The 1920's open nightly to artist, bohemian thoughts with champagne toast.
Picasso,Degas, Van Gogh a time of colors galore aah! Paris is beautiful.

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“Europe belongs to Picasso, Matisse, Braque, and others. India is just mine” — said Amrita Sher-Gil, who captured the lives of Indian women + girls during the 20th century

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Artists standing up and shouting out, using their skills and vision to make powerful anti war statements. Howson, Picasso, Orosco.

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Pablo Picasso, The Absinthe Drinker 1903

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Erika Streit (1. März 1910 -2. Juni 2011) war eine Schweizer Malerin,Grafikerin,Zeichnerin. Sie hatte Kontakte zu Künstlern wie Otto Dix,Ernst Ludwig Kirchner und lernte durch Aufenthalte in Paris die Arbeiten von Picasso, Maillol und weiteren Zeitgenossen kennen und schätzen

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«Ha fatto lei questo orrore?»
«No, è opera vostra.»
Guernica, Picasso, 1937

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In the wake of today's events, I will not put out anything of mine, but instead post "Guernica" by Picasso, while I consider how to make an anti war piece without being able to draw much. You can really feel the horror in this piece. Regular art tomorrow.

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Pablo Picasso, Two Acrobats with a Dog, 1905

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Exposiciones para no perderse en febrero.
El arte aborigen australiano, los rostros y figuras humanas de Picasso, las máscaras en sus múltiples contextos o la pintura clásica italiana son algunas de nuestras propuestas para visitar estas próximas semanas

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"Señor Picasso, sentimos tener que informarle que el 5 de agosto, durante una exposición de su Guernica en el museo, se descubrió que al lienzo había sido agujereado con un objeto afilado..."

Hoy hablamos del agujero del Guernica

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👉Pablo Picasso, art by 👈

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👈Pablo Picasso, Renato Guttuso👉

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Pablo Picasso, «The Spring», 1921. Moderna Museet, Stockholm.

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Pablo Picasso, A la ville de Cordoue from Vingt poëmes, 1947, published 1948 https://t.co/jMTpZYrU8B

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This one I did just like Picasso, didn’t give a flying fuck about being perfect

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Yes ! will be featured at evening sale on March 1st 2022, along side Pablo Picasso, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Franz Marc, Banksy to name a few. https://t.co/D8N4lEwHSw

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