Liminal Embrace (At the Veil). Oil on canvas, 17" x 23. 2023.

Frame: carved/assembled pine wood with spray paint and gold RubnBuff

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Happy they are making a decision to think ethically about repercussions of AI
(Painting I created earlier last year with similar concerns, in my case transhumanism and human brain cells in computer chips)

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I'm posting this again becauase I love it so much. Technogoddess is the queen that will take us into the future of magick, spirituality and transhumanism. I spent a good part of today working on this one and love the result NFT now on Opensea

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Join the Technogoddess as she ushers in a new world of magick and transhumanism in my newest NFT now on

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A word of caution to all the new folks who followed for spaceships. We're actually 50/50 spacecraft and stylized transhumanism on this twitter.

Hopefully you like your space lore with a little flavor.

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The White Rabbit's Manifesto
Will post with my outfoor exhibition when it's installed! This semester project on posthumanism

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Portrait of Christina Andersen Denkender Mensch mit Fokus auf Humanismus Kollaboration und Kreativitt myAIportrait

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131) Buddha: El Dios del manga nos narra con maestría la vida y milagros de Siddhārtha Gautama, el fundador del budismo. Un viaje sobre el humanismo, el contacto con la naturaleza y la espiritualidad. Sin lugar a dudas, uno de los grandes trabajos de Tezuka.

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Sinon dans l'anticipation, je te conseille les récits de Zep : "The End" (écolo), ou encore "Ce que nous sommes" et "Paris 2119" (transhumanisme).

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Dans les dernières BD un peu SF que j'ai lu et que j'ai aimé . Neoforest qui vient de sortir chez Dargaud, qui parle de transhumanisme et d'écologie. Du même auteur qui est assez cool, tu as la série Renaissance.

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3. This could mean that an AI language model could eventually achieve sentience, making it able to understand and process language and context in a more nuanced way, possibly surpassing human capabilities.

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is a complex and philosophical topic, but one that's worth considering as technology advances rapidly. A 🧵⬇️

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