ゆっくり提督が行くR-TYPE FINAL2の第2話のとある一幕に感化されて描きました

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「ファイナルファイト タフ」


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R-TYPE アールタイプ 35周年

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Ayato: Samurott and Dewgong

Samurott is an intimidating Water-type with swords built into its armour, fitting a master swordsman and clan head.

Dewgong is also elegant like Ayato, but has a sleepy demeanour that pairs well with some of Ayato’s personality eccentricities

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i need more support/healer-type characters in my life who are buff dudes

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おはおわ!今日もι(´Д`υ)アツィー 適度にクーラー使っていきましょうね。なお僕は仕事の都合上そんなに使えないorz水分補給補給だけはしっかりしような🚰しかし眠い眠い。今日は21時からR-TYPEFinal2です。プラクティスCルートやります💪今日が良い1日でありますように✨

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おはおわ!今日は朝から暑っついね( ;´꒳`;)水分補給しっかりしようね🚰今週はR-TYPEFinal2週間なので、頑張るぞぃ💪('ω'💪)登録期待8だと思ってたら12だったのであと4考え中(~∧~)今日が良い1日でありますように✨

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Among sensor-types, Sakura’s technique is very similar to the abilities of a Byakugan, a dōjutsu of the Hyūga Clan that can also see through obstacles and detect objects, thus deeming them as sensors.

The difference is the medium, Sakura uses a jutsu based on chakra control.

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However, they don’t seem to use chakra. Scattering chakra for that purpose is a feat unique to Sakura due to her incomparable chakra control.

Also, both Kage, especially Tobirama, are adept sensor-types. Team Minato had already sensed the enemy before he used this method.

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Sensor-types can boost their abilities using sensing techniques too, the best example being Karin. The Mind's Eye of Kagura is a powerful sensing hijutsu that allows Karin to track signatures several kilometers in the distance, as well as very specific characteristics.

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Those shinobi that are not naturally sensor-types can use sensing techniques with mediums adapted to their abilities.

For example, Naruto Uzumaki is not a natural sensor, but Sage Mode grants him the greatest of sensing skills and Kurama allows him to detect negative emotions.

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Being a sensor-type is a very beneficial and useful skill in battle as it allows the user to locate an incoming enemy, anticipate jutsu or identify genjutsu; however, not all of them show the same abilities and it varies depending on the skill of the user or the medium they use.

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The most common kind of sensor-types are those that can sense the chakra given off by a ninja and it is a superior skill among them.

Shinobi from the Yamanaka clan, Tobirama Senju, the second Tsuchikage or Karin are examples of this, with the latter being exceptionally adept.

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According to the third databook, written by Masashi Kishimoto, sensor-types are useful to track or pursue targets, and they are divided into groups based on the medium used for the sensing. Some of them include smell, eyesight, or using animals. Others use special techniques.

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The series introduces a handful of ninjas able to detect chakra. It shows that any shinobi has the ability to sense fluctuations in chakra without being a natural sensor-type, especially for foul or powerful signatures.

This also applies to Sakura as genin, chūnin and jōnin.

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