Anime Hardcore Fans
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Then adding occlusion shadows, highlights💫 and a background. If you learned something while watching the video feel free to share!

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Does anyone want to help me on what I should put in my portfolio to make me more appealing on Zine applications?😭 I’ve been rejected from every one I’ve applied to and I’ld really like some feedback on the pieces I’ve submitted and what is lacking

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Anime Electric fans
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Art shipping 💥Jargon Buster💥. Fed up with being bamboozled by ‘industry speak’, when all you want to do is ship your art? Here’s a single place you can go to get simple explanations.

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Anyone have any tips on how to render digital art? I feel like flat colours are too boring but man I don't know if I'm going in the right direction...

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We have some AMAZING postcards still available to buy at ... Here is just a small selection! Please keep supporting the event and raising funds for . Through art we can change the world.

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My was suddenly complimented and was a bit embarrassed. I’m trying to capture his feelings but faces are tricky. Any tips from my fellow art peeps how I can push this expression further??

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Anybody have any feedback on my Clover the rabbit designs? im struggling to capture her.

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I'm almost there guys.. Just needs some beackgrounds...

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Would love some feedback and critiques on this piece! I'm still learning to do anatomy well, and just started into digital coloring and am trying to improve.

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