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'The accuser' — American cartoon criticising the Senate's rejection of the Treaty of Versailles, with Humanity condemning the figure of the U.S. Senate as he stands over the slain Treaty of Peace.
Published in the World Journal Tribune, March 1920. Cartoon by Rollin Kirby.
@cass_kuns @elchupalabras I do not condemn violence I do not condemn violence I do not condemn violence I do not condemn violence I do not condemn violence....
@ryder_ripps Thank you for opening our eyes. The (in)(af)fected will be willfully ignorant to protect their bags and/or will try to condemn/censor you. We see it IRL everyday. Money vs. Morality...eventually their souls will begin to rot and/or a revolution will take place #BURNBAYC
@vladdie777 A movie doesn't need to appeal to everyone, but to those who care and repute themselves a fan, and there are no doubts Avatar greatly exceeds this. Some will always find a way to justify their dislike even when presented with evidence. Don't condemn them, just live and let live.
St. Silverius, Pope (538)
Successor to Agapetus, who had angered Theodora by condemning Patriarch Anthimus, ruining her plans to restore Monophysitism. Silverius refused to restore Anthimus, and was exiled to Palmaria, where he died worn out by privations and sufferings.
"Those bastards condemned me as a villain but who cares! It is the moral words that people repeatedly vomit that are rotten. It is the hypocrites like you are the ones who should go to hell!
Moreove... I have already been in hell."
Dignified Villian
Latest by @RandyChrizP condemns ongoing police brutality in #SriLanka. Even as people die in queues waiting for essentials, 'law enforcement' officers of the State unleash violence & assault helpless citizens. Politicians stay silent. Sri Lanka's SHAME.
#lka #PoliceBrutalityLK
"Help me! They condemn me for being born this way! Help me ! I don't want to be cornered by society..."
Looks like Auntie is "spacing out" a bit~
It usually happens when you think about how man is condemned to be free and the only thing man is not free from is freedom itself.
A pretty "out of this world" concept if you tell me~
“Stop as soon as possible the continuity of impunity for the crimes commiting by the Terrorist Council”
UN, France, Canada and other countries #CondemnDeathPenalty
by SAC but no action was taken. So SAC approved the death sentence & is working to implement it.
Arrangements For War
The Reaping
The Condemned
(Revelation of the Daleks, Patient Zero, Project: Lazarus and The Juggernauts were pretty close too) https://t.co/qxq5KKk0pL
sleepy gerribaird in which he so badly wants to protect her from the things he has to do for Waystar, but knows he'll eventually condemn her to the same fate of the sin cake eater ♥
Can you see me? I cannot see you
Everything I thought I knew has fallen out of view
In this blindness, I'm condemned to
#toawizards #talesofarcadia
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” -- George Santayana
As Memorial Day approaches, this warning echoes ever more loudly in our ears. Make time to visit our show As They Saw It: Artists Witnessing War before it closes on May 30. Seeing is remembering.
The second part of the analysis: the hanging cage.
This kind of things are what Ada show see loves in this volume. Anyways the election of this shadow, among all the things that Ada had, can be important since this cage is where people were condemned to die trapped for starvation