To be fair Rhona, during much of WWII Winston Churchill spent much of it holidaying in the West Indies, paid for by Stalin.
Or err... not.

1 1

FFS, some Tory media type comparing Boris Johnson to Winston Churchill again. 🙄

34 48

What happens whenever our experts attempt to provide facts/ advice?
Dominic Cummings has set up Boris Johnson's Govt to avoid it - to politicise everything.
No surprise we can't get it now.

7 6

At the end of your class story, the Sith Inquisitor is granted a title by Darth Marr based on the character's alignment. Which of the three options is your favorite?

Darth Nox (dark)
Darth Occlus (neutral)
Darth Imperius (light)

17 241

You can pick ONE to be your Sith Master and teach you the ways of the dark side of the Force. Who do you choose?

Darth Jadus
Darth Marr
Darth Malgus
Darth Acina

21 256

Rishi Sunak ominously proclaimed: ''We will re-examine human rights laws''

The Tories are looking to tear up your rights - in order to profit the rich!

372 455

Boris Johnson admitted that hospital waiting times are 'unacceptable'. Heath Secretary Matt Hancock hinted that the targets should be scrapped altogether - after hitting the worst rate on record...They're normalising substandard healthcare!

153 205

Boris Johnson is in hiding.

The Tories are only sending out one minister a week to field all TV scrutiny.

This isn't normal. What is Johnson's government doing?

146 230

The new Environment Secretary, George Eustice, has always voted against measures to protect against climate change.

His Climate Score is 0% for his commitment to the issue:

Boris Johnson is trolling those trying to

77 81

New Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak ominously proclaimed: ''We will re-examine human rights laws''

The Tories are looking to tear up your rights!

140 118

Justice Sec. Robert Buckland went onto to discuss Boris Johnson refusing to look at the photo of an ill child during the election. He obfuscated to cover for the PM - We all knew it. Buckland was just desperately spinning!

26 39

When Arlene Foster met with Boris Johnson last yr, they decided to call the EU 'beligerent'. There was no attempt to find compromise, just an agreement to blame the EU! Then she realised his border solution was a scam & said she will never take him at his word again

24 38

VISAS MARR was a Miraluka who became Sith Apprentice to Darth Nihilus when he killed all the Miraluka & Jedi on the planet Katarr. Marr was with Meetra Surik when she defeated Darth Nihilus. Visas Marr would afterwards help rebuild the Jedi Order after the Jedi Purge (3951 BBY)

31 133

Compulsive liar & fraudster Boris Johnson’s silence on Suleimani assassination is ‘deafening’ say critics | World news | The Guardian -

145 144

Overshadowed as an artist by her relationship with Picasso but worthy of recognition, Dora Marr (1907 - 1997 French): Photographer, painter, and poet. Her paintings were largely overlooked during her lifetime. I love

6 9

Visas Marr from The Old Republic looking nice and thicc.

1 0

Boris Johnson & the Tories have received funding from Russian Oligarchs...any wonder they're reluctant to release a report showing the extent of corruption with the 2016 Referendum & potential for more of the same in 2019...

41 58

is a dangerous opportunist who happily consorts with right-wing lunatics, and compulsive liar and, despite is education, a total idiot.

0 0

When he was a banker,Sajid Javid was connected to a tax avoidance scheme called 'Dark Blue'. Now he is Chancellor,claiming to be 'a low tax guy'!
He's spent his career helping the rich avoid paying their fair share - now he is on turbo charge!

230 299

Nigel Farage and Rupert Murdoch are pushing for a No Deal Brexit, they both want to see the end of the NHS - don't feed the UK to their disaster capitalism!

34 43