Chibi drawing of my dear Natalie. The group she is in had their first encounter with a corrupted person, and she was terrified.

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I was never a huge fan of 3rd edition, but damn - it did had some of the best artwork ever. Plus I kinda want to try out its version of the "Enemy Within"...

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Here is my half of an art trade with !

Haldion was such a pleasure to draw and I had lots of fun.

Thank you for the reference.

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蘇打夏日狂想-Soda summer fantasy
疫情稍緩,上班即將會復正常,突然有種得到放假戒斷症候群的感覺= = 可以認真畫圖的時光要結束啦QQ

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Did a little more editing to the new picture of my Warhammer Fantasy ttrpg character.

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Warhammer Fantasy TTRPG makes for some interesting builds. Like a fledgling Lahmian.

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Many times the miniatures come out of old drawings we did years ago. It is a curious process of metamorphosis.

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I'll probably be going back and painting these guys up more, since they're a little sloppy atm. But hey, they're fun!

Lore for dem spooky gobbos:

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And we are already working on the first of the August units.

Before even doing the armor design, to make a scene, we need a general design.

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Finished this orange-crested, self-destructive dwarf! I've developed a strong disdain towards creating braids through this character :D

High-res renders on Artstation:

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