Tonight's Cool Down Piece is dedicated to one of my favorite actors who passed away earlier today.

RIP Rutger Hauer 1944-2019

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Today I have drawn my humble tribute to Rutger Hauer, it has been something fast and it is somewhat rough, but I love it,
I hope you like it!, I have enjoyed doing this.
"Time to die."
Rest in peace.

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I woke up to the news of Rutger Hauer’s passing and immediately wanted to draw Roy Batty. I also noticed Hobo with a Shotgun, a Hauer movie I’d never seen, was available streaming so I put it on in honor and gave myself the length of the movie (1h 26m) to do this portrait.

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RIP, Rutger Hauer. Roy Batty was one of the most complex, nuanced characters in film & showed me, even at a young age, what good writing (& acting, of course) can add to a narrative.

A quick sketch, but this image of him, the lighting & the colors, is forever burned in my brain

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Rutger Oelsen Hauer (23 01 1944 - 19 07 2019)

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Time to die. A los 75 años murió En vez de publicar la escena que ya compartieron todos, dejo tres pelis por las que lo banco.

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(1944-2019) as in Freehand using HB pencil and eraser. Darkened and tinted digitally.

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In honor of the great Rutger Hauer....

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Descanse en paz, Sr Hauer. Salude a Mr Batty de mi parte.

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"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.
All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
Time to die."

Rutger Hauer RIP
23 January 1944- 19 July 2019

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He gave unforgettable performances and filled his characters with silently powerful energy--always honest with a devilish charm. He gave me some of the best acting advice which I sincerely treasure. Thank you.

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'If only you could see what I've seen with your eyes.'
Rest in peace to Roy, one of the earliest movie deaths of the Eighties and still the best.

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“All those moments will be lost in time..... like tears in rain......Time to die.” RIP

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Rutger Hauer/Etienne Navarre tribute

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