Glyptotermes scotti

Well I am not doing great at posting right now. Too stressed with Christmas stuff. Pest week from yesterday, gotta have a termite.

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woooo termite line. i like the idea of a colony of pokemon where each one has a job to do. like timbite eats wood and sentree guards the royalty and the royalty do something

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🎀 🎁¡Seven y MC les desea unas felices fiestas!🎁 🎀

Aun estoy intermitente con lo del internet xD (mátenme) En fin, esperen lo que se viene para el día de navidad 7u7

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Daily sketch Giant Termite stealing George Washington's wooden teeth.
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I think about this every time cold and flu season hits but it must be a particularly unpleasant time for all those fictional characters with giant noses.

Though Pinocchio probably has to worry about termites, wood rot, and splinters more.

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Hot steamy day today - I love it hot :) I remember as kid in 50/60's we had 42 deg (108deg) & had to go home from school - no aircon in schools in those days - hot our sunburnt country - giant termite mounds soil

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Hice este Jack Conway navideño para ponerlo de icon en el server que tengo con y ya de paso me lo pongo aquí 🥺❤️

Pd: I miss my superintermitente :c

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termite mistresses ft. changeling (weird teen girls babysitting surprisingly well adjusted kids)

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Trying out a new technique on digital shading.

OC ("Termite") and commission for ! Thank you very much :3!!

🍄commission info:

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Basil Diamantopoulos, Sabueso
Se desconoce su origen, tiene 37 años, sus cicatrices suelen "regenerarse" intermitentemente
Dueño de un ejército de asesinos llamada Cerberus, es jefe y apoyo médico de las Hienas
Hermano de Mei y Sebastian

No quedo genial (los estoy recuperando)

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Raid Boss Slothasor falls asleep.
Commander: "Break CC Bar!"
Teammate equipping Termite Shovel: "I got this."

(No animals were harmed in the making of this picture)

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Still drawing. Newest batch of God Machine shots. Starting to draw in the scenes with side characters like the deranged guardsmen and the termite woman.

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Me disculpo por las intermitencias en los post. Tenemos algunos problemas porque ya todos trabajamos con la misma red, y eso hace las fallas más comunes. Ian no pudo conectarse por la noche por este motivo.
Trabajamos en esto. Sigan con Zoe, nos vemos mañana.

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o fundo do poço intermitente

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Concept of a vehicle for the Inspired by the Dung Beetles. 🪲

A palanquin, like a monocycle, pushed by a large beetle. In the past, he served the bourgeoisie of an ancient kingdom of termites, inside a large tree, which is now shattered over a desert of cold sands.

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here's how termites can still win

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This is a Hollow Knight fan character I made for fun named Termite.
Termite is optimistic as well as hasty and reckless to the point of losing a horn because of it. Termite uses a pair of scissors as a weapon and likes adventure and collect items from every place she visits.

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