Huwe😭 pdhl mereka bulet2 doang macem onde. Kayaknya aku bs bikin kerajaan onde sekarang. Klo aku punya banyak uang untuk membuat onde lbh banyak, aku kasih rival si bola ubi ini

2 14

Since I got tagged by both Chascah and Ubi soo 👀
I have a thing for guys w/ blue eyes (and cute idol girls) lol

Also, sorry if I tagged some of you out of the blue 😅🙏

0 4

"As we move forward it seems we need work way more than work needs us."


5 7

The Division - epidemia
The Division 2 - finał w Capitulu.

Wiesz co Ubi? Może nie wydawaj na razie trójki.

51 511

Date night suggested by ! 💙

Inspired by the official Ubi art! ✨

3 27

でも はやってみたいなぁ~。#エジプト 好きなのでw

0 0

Halooo !!
Aku Ubi dan aku adalah ✨Secret Santa✨ kamu!! 🎅🏻

Maaf kalo hadiahnya ga sesuai ekspektasi, tp semoga km sukaa 🤟🏻


16 49

For 1992 : First Samurai for the from UBI Soft.

4 8

I’m so happy to be part of this. like, is this real? I’m very excited and nervous to work with the ubi team and other community artists, but it was fun and I wish to join again in the next next project!🌟
Thank you all and for the opportunity 🌸✨💕

57 315

Rayman GBC random trivia thread:

Using the Ubi Key in R1 GBC you can unlock the Ubi Cliff level

7 70

Will ubi’s borgar be lomg?

65 357

wip ubi with turkey leg

I miss thanksgiving in the states...

7 44


0 0

Si alguna vez Ubi se plantea hacer REMAKE de los juegos de Ezio, estaría mas que encantada de unirme al equipo de concept artists 🥺❤️

13 73

Shhh,It was all a Ruse

Of course Ubi is best SMG

2 7