here's some screens straight from zb viewport. thinking too on the back design I might put small cape to cover-up things, we will see...

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I'm trying to use vertex colours as my base colour in ai standard. It shows vertex colours are working in viewport, but I can't get them to show when rendered.

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Just remembered I can press tab to enlarge the viewport

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Viewport-Aware Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for 360$^o$ Video Caching.

1 6

I finally cracked the case on interactive NPR viewport in Blender after a lot of experimentation. It somehow never occurred to me that bevel mod can be used to create internal lines. Super simple setup, no addons. Picture in reply :)

4 32

it booted up on my tablet screen instead of my monitor and the viewport to toolbar ratio is stressing me out

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Also I found the flat setting in the viewport and it makes me wanna learn toonshading in blender

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I wish Blender had like a "cavity node" or something, because on low poly models like this, the cavity option in the viewport gives it these really nice looking edge highlights, which can't really be achieved with a pointiness node in the shader editor.

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Thought I would share some viewport screenshots from Nvil and Moi3d

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Thanks! And yeah, all 3D! Have a quick screencap from my viewport. Doesn't really look like the final result at all, hahaha.

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I may have misread, but if u keep the doc res high and the Export res = Pixel8r res, results will be 1:1 with the Painter viewport

Issue is Painter only supports pow2 res's >= 128. If u have a more niche res w Pixel8r, export at doc res & Nearest downscale in PS for best results

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SJ ChangeViewportdisplayNator ビューポート表示設定を一括で切り替えるツール

1 1

Been toying with Eytan Zana’s cool graphic composition workflow combined with 3D. Run the 3D viewport through a “threshold” adjustment, extract white & black to separate layers and boogy on from there. Feels like cheating but bite me.

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Maya viewport (untextured model) VS reference

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Comission thing which im too lazy to render so i take a ss of the viewport

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Quick viewport shot:

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Disabling subdiv in viewport 😂

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今日の知見:Android版FirefoxでPC版サイトを見たときフォントサイズがアホみたいにでかかったら about:config から browser.viewport.desktopWidth を適切な値に設定してあげると良い

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thing for someone on the BoT discord and im done with this thing, no render, just viewport animation

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