sleepy awakes
traversing realms
your touch stirs starlings
heart beats jazzy refrain
green eyes color canvas
hold onto brown limbs
erasing scars, mending me
tiny birds drop drunk
from our massive limbs
eating fermenting berries
perpetual oneness

30 121

to seize
when having back
my peace
long-awaited time
has arrived
sitting back
at ease
to enjoy with
with my lips all sealed

3 25

I glanced for a
The shadow moved
Laid in bed
As if in a tomb
Red eyes glided
I was petrified with fear
Hes finally come for me this year
His cold hand touched me
My curtains drawn
Eyes now with mouth
Teeth resembling thorn
Invidiak’s scorn
Leaves me soulless, torn

5 31

Listen to
the sound of
Earth's axis
Listen to
the Ultimate Silence
Talk with rain voice
Accept Helios calling
and climb down
stairs of
Everything is fluid
and Time is a fraud
Stuff your pockets
with moments
That's all we're
allowed to have

81 258

Soft petals of beauty
Render rose of
Petals so delicate
Gentle caress from above

Thorns so sharp
Reminder of pain
Beauty of the rose
Joy to behold in the rain

Rose of passion
Rose of desire
Sweetest of love
Beautiful flower in the fire

0 8

I track Lord Karth to the Silent Forest, where he plans to perform the Sethi Ritual. If I can kill him first, I’ll send his soul to Shul.

Before I reach Karth’s entourage, though, the captain of the Red Guard steps out of the trees, dressed in his traditional war armor.

4 21

“To sacrifice a virgin girl every full red moon? No."
“But the bloodmoon rises only once every year—"
“I'm is that supposed to make me feel better? But...I may consider it if you volunteer your daughter, counselor.”

3 12

The drums of beat a heavy beat
The sky turns black, the earth beneath
The nations clash, their clash a roar
To stand and watch, nothing more

0 6

I've an infinite love for the emerald disco in your auroral eyes. They freckle the coffee that steals unanchored rapture from stirrings beyond senses' lines. My soul grows here where breath is always renewed. Its marrow thumbs the knowledge wrapped argent in you.

54 171

"Cut" the director called. "We have to the scene. A bloody flew in front of the camera again"
They'd been at this all night, wasting precious production dollars
It had taken ages to train the dove.
Worth it

4 22

I am sin’s reflection
the emptiness of nothing
the call no one hears
I am the error of salvation

How can I be
such darkness so keen
useless to everyone
but coveted by the sea

Time will never tell
why autumn never comes
wings of blacken
& I am alone in my hell

23 96

You read me well when the air travels misty like flesh unsettled in winter. It breathes in an ideal, slow wickedness that obscures our moonlit due, reality a gossamer bang when seemingly dark ever afters go into mornings crisp as our uncommonly few.

30 115

burned holes in hearts
starved of light
‘til she cracked open the maw
that spewed evil
and consumed it all
near death for days
with wretched sickness
she still cauterized the accursed
with her goodness
so beyond the reach of darkness
life remained

14 113

lost in this eternal dream,
silent pinks

3 22

I am torn apart,
On bitter winds of empathy ,
Lost inside a cyclone
Of twisted emotion,
Understanding nothing
And yet~
Above me,
The midnight reflections,
How they sing,
How they dance,
Lighting the sky with such colours,
Are they me?
Am i made of stars..

21 80

If only I could put my palm into yours for one single sunset when the autumn's fingers smell corn silk,
& the eyelids of the sea cast spells on the cheeks of the
When silences are white humongous winter breasts & blue roots cover the trail to the hills.

70 271

Ukranian horses, sunflowers, and star light
The tractors, the city, and river at night
The heroes' love of home is the enemy's blight


2 17

no need for
because inner
been there


21 39

The sun shone bright
As we walked hand in hand
The birds sang sweetly
A gentle breeze at our feet
We spoke of our dreams
Our hopes and our fears
The day passed us by
As we laughed and danced
A sweet and perfect day
With a loved one by my side

1 9

held back her light, disappointed in their lack of love for one another. They scurried about, fear permeating the air. Finally they pulled together, lending a helping hand and she unfurled her cloak of brightness for the world. pic by Fantasy-fairy-angel

5 53