魔王ゴルベリアス / Golvellius game of the week
A hit made by Compile,enjoy this great game

7 33

I am still figuring out but it seems really cool 🥰

0 8

F-Nano 2' game of the week
Ok,not the graphics we could want it but...BUT...What a speed and music...Perfect

4 14

Okkkkkayyy ...I knew it is about fighting🙃

0 8

リストは最新の作品のために続きます 🥰

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5 21

SC2 MSX1 6 colors...A second draw

5 21


2 10

また3Dライブが見られるなんて! 本当にありがとうございます🥰 円盤化もぜひお願いします🙏
Vtuber(風)動画も楽しみ〜 最初から最後まで可愛いリナ成分満載なんですよね。最高

Xworldにするかツイキャスにするか悩み中… どっちが良いのかな?

6 22

Ey! Yeah!

didnt do anything new for this day (yet, hopefully 👀 its like 2am) but here's a little throwback to my absolute favorites! ✨✨

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All of my current CLC fanart! I’m hoping I can do all of the members this summer!


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Pearl Tanaka from PEARL.
Sorry for missing tattoos.
What started as a warm-up just went on pretty long.
I am teaching myself some traditional painting methods.

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원더키드 / Adventure Kid game of the week
Well,ok it is a clone from a well
know game but it is good, fun and it is from

12 49

アンジェラス / Angelus game of the week
What a strange disease appeared? Interesting game adventure by Enix but you have to know the Japanese language to really enjoy the game

0 19

Speaking of Hexworld, I remembered this chibi I did of Bill and Isaac ages ago and 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️ look at Isaacs little PAWS help hes so cute

3 33

New RelaxWorld page on
(Every Tues+Thurs)

5 28

デッドオブザブレイン / Dead of the brain of the week
Day of the living dead...scary in beautiful graphics
Note that this game has a patch to translate it in English and Spanish

4 18