Scott Wills style tree in 3D. Now, if only I could figure out how to make Maya quit with the flickering edges...

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There are days my hands beg for me to be a painter, but I can only exist in the world of I ignore them. 😰

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Trying to post more so here is a HealthPickup on a new Spawn for our made with

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Game rez model baked and in Still a ways to go with texturing though...

6 22

Sketched something out on blender3d.

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Still learning Not a bad treasure chest though.

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Recreating primary sources - student work. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. Using Sketchup 3D.

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Fan art for The Order 1886 by ZBrushCentral member OscarBV3D. Original work by Adam Skutt

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Learning to use Wings 3D. Just making some simple things until I get the hang of it.

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Trying to get a marvelous-designer-esque thing going on with

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Mad this thing when I first learned 3D.

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Je test Flipnote 3D... Ça manque d'options...

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3D..안경...쓰고보기ㅣ..(원고하느라 그림이없어서만날 크롭올려서 원고다올릴기세

13 49

He was kinda easier to just doodle already in 3D. Posing him will be fun too.

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Just playing a bit with Crocotile3d.

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Trying out some 3D scanning with 's 3D Builder into Next, full body and clean-up!

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Did this lowpoly bird years ago, I always enjoyed lowpoly 3d. I'd like to get back to doing it someday again

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Dai-chan illustration for Street Fighter EX. Ryu & Chun reacting appropriately to the transition to 3D.

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Experimenting with Split Depth 3D. Depth of field added. You never really appreciate anime until you rotoscope it.

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