Here is my fistful of tears
A gathered them
In bouquet of poems
Lines that shiver me
Then burns me alive
Grinding cold of loneliness
Deep drift of sand dunes
This is me most naked...

18 38

I've had hankering
For scapegrace with improbity
I knew I was in danger
But coming storm
Couldn't hide my need
Wolf Moon was rising
In my dark night of heart

12 20

After honeymoon period over
deathly silence
was kiss of frost
she could only heal herself
by razor-wire tourniquet
and bleeding ink..
another melting away ended
leeching warmth

7 17

I can't believe
I am dreaming of a dream
My life a tragedy?
I rather belive I am
Born to be a romantic

26 57

The renewed Travellers
Of dystopian survival
Swinging at
perpetual voyage
Of temporary body
Hollow illusions of
Felonious heart
Longing for
Remission of breaths

52 108

trading the scent
of eucalyptus

dense as liniment
for river peat

the reeds move
as one animal body

13 23

the snow falls
my white
follows me home
brave is he
protector of the Heavens
hour falls upon..

1 1

in the castle of shadows
where dwells
the queen of swords
and the king of shades
there is an unwritten magic
for it is here in their domain
that banshees receive their names

by Rebecca Larst

32 69

full of ink
Hat full of stars
If you dare
I’ll take you far

Blank page a void
For our trip
To strange lands—
Can you handle it?

Worlds & quests
Adventures sought
I’ll build for you
With a wink & a thought

22 82

I call them my orphan poems
they are written in sand
washed away by time
tears laughter angst
love jealousy hate
some hard earned wisdom
plundered from my soul...

29 66

standing far in the ocean of time
waiting for that
moonlit night
and a tidal pull

we will cross both high n low
and begin new!

9 19


5 12



2 nd 📷 Rudiger Nehmzow

37 68

We pray, mutter
forbidden incantations

Cthulu appears down
from the ether,

Smashing onto
this island
his hunger
is transparent

He cares not
that it was us
who opened
the door

Towering above us
he brings an
end to our

15 58

she is love and madness
the silver enchantress
draped in the veils of fate
a cosmic oracle
who speaks the language of stars

by Imgrum on deviantART

25 35