Love lingers
on rivers at dusk
like honeysuckle kisses
pieced together
by softest inhales,
a home to stay in
where you lift me
off the ground
and feelings
never go
in days dipped
in tequila's dread.
I didn't know...

13 46

There is not only beauty
On his colored canvas
There are jagged secrets too
Painted with feeling
He captures her true
There is nary a fault
In the loveliness he stole
As Basil did for Dorian
He covered her sinful soul

🎨Dimitri Sirenko

4 19

Burdens grope
tomorrow's views
with sin's mercy,
where rain is
for painting love
in the lost's eyes,
hiding captured emotions
in moments
of sanctuary
on the way out
of edges spiked,
but imagine
a life
well earned.

4 33

Oscillating hate,
becoming evil,
a hundred stones
thrown and swept
to crescendo

6 35

Hurt transforms, breeds words,
yesterday not forever,
I hide, lost in shade.

6 27

Prayers drip,
pool in darkness,
sink into aches
beneath worries,
crypt of your past
comes apart
to taste again
life's flurries.
Wisdom in pain
comes on its own,
crosses naivety
as it flows,
and still we ask

9 33

Quiet yield,
strawberry tears
a mansion
trailing cures
for surreptitious ails
less sweet.

6 41

It is no strain
to sow
hearty odes,
their whispers
some never share,
making whole
lightning loves
who'd failed wildly
in passionate affairs.
Fragrant are our eyes
when fires
make vain
dreamed envenomed.

2 20

Infinite sun
surrounds my bones,
in perspective
lays in breaths
a lone body
in grief's water
yet kissed
by poetic truth,
immeasurable life
in all its pain
and blissful hues,

7 27

Scanning ancient ink
on whispering souls,
she forgave all
who destroyed,
lovely and bold,
to see up,
never down
too far,
courage eternal
as her velvet
skin dark.
A marvel,
a dream maker,
a ghost,
and everything
she ever could be.
78 200

14 53

The tides & torrents
stop quick
on dark surrounds
of lovely forests,
how they hold
my sorrowed bones
when home calls
in the distance.
deep gold
are lost in sight,
waiting for
fanciful lakes
to find beauty
in ruins
we know
77 199

11 48

shattered are the hollows within my heart
the delicate nature of tears in my eyes
fell on him with precious softness
I was helpless to be desired
for an instant I loved him
it was but a dream
it began to die
I shall sleep

5 13

It was
as if we'd burned
from the same sun,
flames stretching
to heavens
to dioptric eyes.
How long has it been
since we'd met
in dapatical spirit?
You with hypotheses
never tested,
me, daring not
to pull you
to earth
just yet.

14 56

I spied shapes
far below sky's abendrot,
dim shadows
held on rained earth,
for a burning
to pass.
Will we return
to a nothing
or an everything
that will last
in flaking colours
within human pollution
for a day?

8 36

He calls her
From unquiet slumbers
Wind whispering his name

Candles flicker
In their petrified silence
Become twilight rain

Storm clouds
Blacken the night sky
Then out of the darkness
She came

Art | Pinterest

47 96

I can't believe
I am dreaming of a dream
My life a tragedy?
I rather belive I am
Born to be a romantic

26 57

The renewed Travellers
Of dystopian survival
Swinging at
perpetual voyage
Of temporary body
Hollow illusions of
Felonious heart
Longing for
Remission of breaths

52 108