You smiled at the mouth of the cave of legend, ran your fingers along the smooth rock walls, colder and wetter the deeper you went.#Black became blacker, and just before you disappeared, you thought of turning back. Then you fell, and I think you know the rest.

49 112

Bloodthirsty for ?
gems ⬇️
-banks of blood
-obscure with flesh

Here's something 🔥
"autopsies of the soul" by talented
Thank you

13 21

A cry in the dark
A scream in the night
The city alive
So brilliant
So bright
Sufferance be damned
Vociferate from the roof
Let your voice be heard
Set free the ever loving truth

🎨Elisabetta Renostos artwork!

2 7

To listen universe's echo
I dip fingers into my soul's ink
Visceral need to find answers
Dwelling deep within...

Art Marcela Bolivar

20 54

✨are you ready to make some noise? ✨

story this week!

-- vociferate
-- sufferance
-- scream

or inspire your poems with Elisabetta Renostos artwork! ⤵️



15 23

Visualising a different person with a different life, while girls on the other side of the world are visualising eating food tomorrow.
Her identity is so wrapped up in fantasy that her psyche is distorted.
A hike in the mountains calms her soul.

1 4

Daily Prompt 5/16

"identity, self, psyche"

Art by Darla Vaughan
Add for 🔁

11 17

The others whispered
Cast them as schizophrenic
Cursed twins of evil

9 23

Daily Prompt 5/5

"placid, serene, tranquil"

Art by Darla Vaughan
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11 19

We trespass the light
Wrapped in flames of dark promise
Dressed without regret


11 35


279 798

deep to dark blue wild
bobbing and singing loud

waves splash and laugh
why red upon the sea?

you give the sea the finger
scolding her giggles loud

to the shore

4/2 😀😀

1 3

Daily Prompt 4/2

"unsinkable, resilient, buoyant"

Art by Darla Vaughan
Add for 🔁

15 21

We are bringing back with 'irresistibles' & here's the first set -- pick and explore!

-- bloodbath
-- canine
-- growling teeth


Much thanks


12 21


6 26



692 1027

Most days she wondered if she was too difficult to please & blamed herself for every trouble.

On rare days, when someone made her feel human, she revelled in her desire for violet scented love, comfort tasting of warm milk, and dark, astringent, black tea conversation.

5 30

you took the pin
out of grenade
magic pivot
the reason for happiness
healing whispers
was wishful dream
in the corner of mind
I knew it was inevitable

11 39

souls rising
no hidden corners
today is the day of truth
clawing in hard
stained hands will talk
crying won't help
too late to repent

pic S Idrassi

8 26